— Binary Translator
PyVEX provides an interface that translates binary code into the VEX intermediate represenation (IR). For an introduction to VEX, take a look here:
Translation Interface
- class pyvex.block.IRSB(data, mem_addr, arch, max_inst=None, max_bytes=None, bytes_offset=0, traceflags=0, opt_level=1, num_inst=None, num_bytes=None, strict_block_end=False, skip_stmts=False, collect_data_refs=False, cross_insn_opt=True)
The IRSB is the primary interface to pyvex. Constructing one of these will make a call into LibVEX to perform a translation.
IRSB stands for Intermediate Representation Super-Block. An IRSB in VEX is a single-entry, multiple-exit code block.
- Variables
arch (
) – The architecture this block is lifted understatements (list of
) – The statements in this blocknext (
) – The expression for the default exit target of this blockoffsIP (int) – The offset of the instruction pointer in the VEX guest state
stmts_used (int) – The number of statements in this IRSB
jumpkind (str) – The type of this block’s default jump (call, boring, syscall, etc) as a VEX enum string
direct_next (bool) – Whether this block ends with a direct (not indirect) jump or branch
size (int) – The size of this block in bytes
addr (int) – The address of this basic block, i.e. the address in the first IMark
- Parameters
data (str or bytes or cffi.FFI.CData or None) – The bytes to lift. Can be either a string of bytes or a cffi buffer object. You may also pass None to initialize an empty IRSB.
mem_addr (int) – The address to lift the data at.
arch (
) – The architecture to lift the data as.max_inst – The maximum number of instructions to lift. (See note below)
max_bytes – The maximum number of bytes to use.
num_inst – Replaces max_inst if max_inst is None. If set to None as well, no instruction limit is used.
num_bytes – Replaces max_bytes if max_bytes is None. If set to None as well, no byte limit is used.
bytes_offset – The offset into data to start lifting at. Note that for ARM THUMB mode, both mem_addr and bytes_offset must be odd (typically bytes_offset is set to 1).
traceflags – The libVEX traceflags, controlling VEX debug prints.
opt_level – The level of optimization to apply to the IR, -1 through 2. -1 is the strictest unoptimized level, 0 is unoptimized but will perform some lookahead/lookbehind optimizations, 1 performs constant propogation, and 2 performs loop unrolling, which honestly doesn’t make much sense in the context of pyvex. The default is 1.
strict_block_end – Should the LibVEX arm-thumb split block at some instructions, for example CB{N}Z.
Explicitly specifying the number of instructions to lift (max_inst) may not always work exactly as expected. For example, on MIPS, it is meaningless to lift a branch or jump instruction without its delay slot. VEX attempts to Do The Right Thing by possibly decoding fewer instructions than requested. Specifically, this means that lifting a branch or jump on MIPS as a single instruction (max_inst=1) will result in an empty IRSB, and subsequent attempts to run this block will raise SimIRSBError(‘Empty IRSB passed to SimIRSB.’).
If no instruction and byte limit is used, pyvex will continue lifting the block until the block ends properly or until it runs out of data to lift.
- MAX_EXITS = 400
- MAX_DATA_REFS = 2000
- addr
- arch
- statements
- next
- jumpkind
- default_exit_target
- data_refs
- static empty_block(arch, addr, statements=None, nxt=None, tyenv=None, jumpkind=None, direct_next=None, size=None)
- property tyenv
- property has_statements
- property exit_statements
- copy()
- extend(extendwith)
Appends an irsb to the current irsb. The irsb that is appended is invalidated. The appended irsb’s jumpkind and default exit are used. :param extendwith: The IRSB to append to this IRSB :vartype extendwith:
- invalidate_direct_next()
- pp()
Pretty-print the IRSB to stdout.
- typecheck()
- static from_c(c_irsb, mem_addr, arch)
- static from_py(tyenv, stmts, next_expr, jumpkind, mem_addr, arch)
- property stmts_used
- property offsIP
- property direct_next
- property expressions
Return an iterator of all expressions contained in the IRSB.
- property instructions
The number of instructions in this block
- property instruction_addresses
Addresses of instructions in this block.
- property size
The size of this block, in bytes
- property operations
A list of all operations done by the IRSB, as libVEX enum names
- property all_constants
Returns all constants in the block (including incrementing of the program counter) as
- property constants
The constants (excluding updates of the program counter) in the IRSB as
- property constant_jump_targets
A set of the static jump targets of the basic block.
- property constant_jump_targets_and_jumpkinds
A dict of the static jump targets of the basic block to their jumpkind.
- class pyvex.block.IRTypeEnv(arch, types=None)
An IR type environment.
- Variables
types (list of str) – A list of the types of all the temporaries in this block as VEX enum strings. types[3] is the type of t3.
- types
- wordty
- lookup(tmp)
Return the type of temporary variable tmp as an enum string
- sizeof(tmp)
- add(ty)
Add a new tmp of type ty to the environment. Returns the number of the new tmp.
- property types_used
- typecheck()
IR Components
- class pyvex.stmt.IRStmt
IR statements in VEX represents operations with side-effects.
- tag = None
- tag_int = 0
- pp()
- property expressions: Iterator[pyvex.expr.IRExpr]
- property constants
- typecheck(tyenv)
- class pyvex.stmt.NoOp
A no-operation statement. It is usually the result of an IR optimization.
- tag = 'Ist_NoOp'
- tag_int = 0
- class pyvex.stmt.IMark(addr: int, length: int, delta: int)
An instruction mark. It marks the start of the statements that represent a single machine instruction (the end of those statements is marked by the next IMark or the end of the IRSB). Contains the address and length of the instruction.
- tag = 'Ist_IMark'
- addr
- len
- delta
- tag_int = 1
- class pyvex.stmt.AbiHint(base, length, nia)
An ABI hint, provides specific information about this platform’s ABI.
- tag = 'Ist_AbiHint'
- base
- len
- nia
- tag_int = 2
- class pyvex.stmt.Put(data: pyvex.expr.IRExpr, offset: RegisterOffset)
Write to a guest register, at a fixed offset in the guest state.
- tag = 'Ist_Put'
- data
- offset
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 3
- class pyvex.stmt.PutI(descr, ix, data, bias)
Write to a guest register, at a non-fixed offset in the guest state.
- tag = 'Ist_PutI'
- descr
- ix
- data
- bias
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 4
- class pyvex.stmt.WrTmp(tmp: TmpVar, data: pyvex.expr.IRExpr)
Assign a value to a temporary. Note that SSA rules require each tmp is only assigned to once. IR sanity checking will reject any block containing a temporary which is not assigned to exactly once.
- tag = 'Ist_WrTmp'
- tmp
- data
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 5
- class pyvex.stmt.Store(addr: pyvex.expr.IRExpr, data: pyvex.expr.IRExpr, end: str)
Write a value to memory..
- tag = 'Ist_Store'
- addr
- data
- end
- property endness
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 6
- class pyvex.stmt.CAS(addr, dataLo, dataHi, expdLo, expdHi, oldLo, oldHi, end)
an atomic compare-and-swap operation.
- tag = 'Ist_CAS'
- addr
- dataLo
- dataHi
- expdLo
- expdHi
- oldLo
- oldHi
- end
- property endness
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 7
- class pyvex.stmt.LLSC(addr, storedata, result, end)
Either Load-Linked or Store-Conditional, depending on STOREDATA. If STOREDATA is NULL then this is a Load-Linked, else it is a Store-Conditional.
- tag = 'Ist_LLSC'
- addr
- storedata
- result
- end
- property endness
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 8
- class pyvex.stmt.MBE(event)
- tag = 'Ist_MBE'
- event
- tag_int = 9
- class pyvex.stmt.Dirty(cee, guard, args, tmp, mFx, mAddr, mSize, nFxState)
- tag = 'Ist_Dirty'
- cee
- guard
- args
- tmp
- mFx
- mAddr
- mSize
- nFxState
- property child_expressions
- tag_int = 10
- class pyvex.stmt.Exit(guard, dst, jk, offsIP)
A conditional exit from the middle of an IRSB.
- tag = 'Ist_Exit'
- guard
- dst
- offsIP
- jk
- property jumpkind
- property child_expressions
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 11
- class pyvex.stmt.LoadG(end, cvt, dst, addr, alt, guard)
A guarded load.
- tag = 'Ist_LoadG'
- addr
- alt
- guard
- dst
- cvt
- end
- cvt_types
- property endness
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 12
- class pyvex.stmt.StoreG(end, addr, data, guard)
A guarded store.
- tag = 'Ist_StoreG'
- addr
- data
- guard
- end
- property endness
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 13
- pyvex.stmt.tag_to_stmt_class(tag)
- pyvex.stmt.enum_to_stmt_class(tag_enum)
- class pyvex.expr.IRExpr
IR expressions in VEX represent operations without side effects.
- tag = None
- tag_int = 0
- pp()
- property child_expressions: List[pyvex.expr.IRExpr]
A list of all of the expressions that this expression ends up evaluating.
- property constants
A list of all of the constants that this expression ends up using.
- result_size(tyenv)
- result_type(tyenv)
- replace_expression(expr, replacement)
Replace child expressions in-place.
- typecheck(tyenv)
- class pyvex.expr.Binder(binder)
Used only in pattern matching within Vex. Should not be seen outside of Vex.
- tag = 'Iex_Binder'
- binder
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 0
- class pyvex.expr.VECRET
- tag = 'Iex_VECRET'
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 1
- class pyvex.expr.GSPTR
- tag = 'Iex_GSPTR'
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 2
- class pyvex.expr.GetI(descr, ix, bias)
Read a guest register at a non-fixed offset in the guest state.
- tag = 'Iex_GetI'
- descr
- ix
- bias
- property description
- property index
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 3
- class pyvex.expr.RdTmp(tmp: TmpVar)
Read the value held by a temporary.
- tag = 'Iex_RdTmp'
- property tmp: TmpVar
- static get_instance(tmp)
- replace_expression(expr, replacement)
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 4
- class pyvex.expr.Get(offset: RegisterOffset, ty: str, ty_int: Optional[int] = None)
Read a guest register, at a fixed offset in the guest state.
- tag = 'Iex_Get'
- offset
- ty_int
- property ty
- property type
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 5
- class pyvex.expr.Qop(op, args)
A quaternary operation (4 arguments).
- tag = 'Iex_Qop'
- op
- args
- property child_expressions
- result_type(tyenv)
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 6
- class pyvex.expr.Triop(op, args)
A ternary operation (3 arguments)
- tag = 'Iex_Triop'
- op
- args
- property child_expressions
- result_type(tyenv)
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 7
- class pyvex.expr.Binop(op, args, op_int=None)
A binary operation (2 arguments).
- tag = 'Iex_Binop'
- op_int
- args
- property op
- property child_expressions
- result_type(tyenv)
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 8
- class pyvex.expr.Unop(op, args)
A unary operation (1 argument).
- tag = 'Iex_Unop'
- op
- args
- property child_expressions
- result_type(tyenv)
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 9
- class pyvex.expr.Load(end, ty, addr)
A load from memory.
- tag = 'Iex_Load'
- end
- ty
- addr
- property endness
- property type
- result_type(tyenv)
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 10
- class pyvex.expr.Const(con: pyvex.const.IRConst)
A constant expression.
- tag = 'Iex_Const'
- property con: pyvex.const.IRConst
- static get_instance(con)
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 11
- class pyvex.expr.ITE(cond, iffalse, iftrue)
An if-then-else expression.
- tag = 'Iex_ITE'
- cond
- iffalse
- iftrue
- result_type(tyenv)
- typecheck(tyenv)
- tag_int = 12
- class pyvex.expr.CCall(retty, cee, args)
A call to a pure (no side-effects) helper C function.
- tag = 'Iex_CCall'
- retty
- cee
- args
- property ret_type
- property callee
- property child_expressions
- result_type(tyenv)
- tag_int = 13
- pyvex.expr.get_op_retty(op)
- exception pyvex.expr.PyvexOpMatchException
- exception pyvex.expr.PyvexTypeErrorException
- pyvex.expr.int_type_for_size(size)
- pyvex.expr.unop_signature(op)
- pyvex.expr.binop_signature(op)
- pyvex.expr.shift_signature(op)
- pyvex.expr.cmp_signature(op)
- pyvex.expr.mull_signature(op)
- pyvex.expr.half_signature(op)
- pyvex.expr.cast_signature(op)
- pyvex.expr.op_arg_types(op)
- pyvex.expr.tag_to_expr_class(tag)
Convert a tag string to the corresponding IRExpr class type.
- Parameters
tag (str) – The tag string.
- Returns
A class.
- Return type
- pyvex.expr.enum_to_expr_class(tag_enum)
Convert a tag enum to the corresponding IRExpr class.
- Parameters
tag_enum (int) – The tag enum.
- Returns
A class.
- Return type
- class pyvex.const.IRConst
- type = None
- size = None
- tag = None
- c_constructor = None
- pp()
- property value: int
- class pyvex.const.U1(value)
- type = 'Ity_I1'
- size = 1
- tag = 'Ico_U1'
- op_format = '1'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned char)' 0x7fe2e3239946>
- class pyvex.const.U8(value)
- type = 'Ity_I8'
- size = 8
- tag = 'Ico_U8'
- op_format = '8'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned char)' 0x7fe2e32399c1>
- class pyvex.const.U16(value)
- type = 'Ity_I16'
- size = 16
- tag = 'Ico_U16'
- op_format = '16'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned short)' 0x7fe2e32399fb>
- class pyvex.const.U32(value: int)
- type = 'Ity_I32'
- size = 32
- tag = 'Ico_U32'
- op_format = '32'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned int)' 0x7fe2e3239a37>
- class pyvex.const.U64(value)
- type = 'Ity_I64'
- size = 64
- tag = 'Ico_U64'
- op_format = '64'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned long long)' 0x7fe2e3239a6e>
- pyvex.const.vex_int_class(size)
- class pyvex.const.F32(value)
- type = 'Ity_F32'
- tag = 'Ico_F32'
- op_format = 'F32'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(float)' 0x7fe2e3239aa8>
- class pyvex.const.F32i(value)
- type = 'Ity_F32'
- tag = 'Ico_F32i'
- op_format = 'F32'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned int)' 0x7fe2e3239ae5>
- class pyvex.const.F64(value)
- type = 'Ity_F64'
- tag = 'Ico_F64'
- op_format = 'F64'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(double)' 0x7fe2e3239b1c>
- class pyvex.const.F64i(value)
- type = 'Ity_F64'
- tag = 'Ico_F64i'
- op_format = 'F64'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned long long)' 0x7fe2e3239b59>
- class pyvex.const.V128(value)
- type = 'Ity_V128'
- tag = 'Ico_V128'
- op_format = 'V128'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned short)' 0x7fe2e3239b93>
- class pyvex.const.V256(value)
- type = 'Ity_V256'
- tag = 'Ico_V256'
- op_format = 'V256'
- c_constructor = <cdata 'IRConst *(*)(unsigned int)' 0x7fe2e3239bcf>
- pyvex.const.is_int_ty(ty)
- pyvex.const.is_int_tag(tag)
- pyvex.const.get_tag_size(tag)
- pyvex.const.get_type_size(ty)
Returns the size, in BITS, of a VEX type specifier e.g., Ity_I16 -> 16
- Parameters
ty –
- Returns
- pyvex.const.get_type_spec_size(ty)
Get the width of a “type specifier” like I16U or F16 or just 16 (Yes, this really just takes the int out. If we must special-case, do it here. :param tyspec: :return:
- pyvex.const.ty_to_const_class(ty)
- pyvex.const.tag_to_const_class(tag)
- class pyvex.enums.VEXObject
The base class for Vex types.
- class pyvex.enums.IRCallee(regparms, name, mcx_mask)
Describes a helper function to call.
- regparms
- name
- mcx_mask
- class pyvex.enums.IRRegArray(base, elemTy, nElems)
A section of the guest state that we want te be able to index at run time, so as to be able to describe indexed or rotating register files on the guest.
- Variables
base (int) – The offset into the state that this array starts
elemTy (str) – The types of the elements in this array, as VEX enum strings
nElems (int) – The number of elements in this array
- base
- elemTy
- nElems
- pyvex.enums.get_enum_from_int(i)
- pyvex.enums.get_int_from_enum(e)
- pyvex.enums.vex_endness_from_string(endness_str)
- pyvex.enums.default_vex_archinfo()
Lifting System
- pyvex.data_ref.data_ref_type_str(dref_enum)
Translate an
enum DataRefTypes
value into a string representation.
- class pyvex.data_ref.DataRef(data_addr, data_size, data_type, stmt_idx, ins_addr)
A data reference object. Indicates a data access in an IRSB.
- Variables
data_addr – The address of the data being accessed
data_size – The size of the data being accessed, in bytes
data_type – The type of the data, a DataRefTypes enum.
stmt_idx – The IRSB statement index containing the data access
ins_addr – The address of the instruction performing the data access
- data_addr
- data_size
- data_type
- stmt_idx
- ins_addr
- property data_type_str
The data ref type as a string, “unknown” “integer” “fp” or “INVALID”
- classmethod from_c(r)
- pyvex.lifting.lift(data, addr, arch, max_bytes=None, max_inst=None, bytes_offset=0, opt_level=1, traceflags=0, strict_block_end=True, inner=False, skip_stmts=False, collect_data_refs=False, cross_insn_opt=True, load_from_ro_regions=False)
Recursively lifts blocks using the registered lifters and postprocessors. Tries each lifter in the order in which they are registered on the data to lift.
If a lifter raises a LiftingException on the data, it is skipped. If it succeeds and returns a block with a jumpkind of Ijk_NoDecode, all of the lifters are tried on the rest of the data and if they work, their output is appended to the first block.
- Parameters
arch (
) – The arch to lift the data as.addr – The starting address of the block. Effects the IMarks.
data – The bytes to lift as either a python string of bytes or a cffi buffer object.
max_bytes – The maximum number of bytes to lift. If set to None, no byte limit is used.
max_inst – The maximum number of instructions to lift. If set to None, no instruction limit is used.
bytes_offset – The offset into data to start lifting at.
opt_level – The level of optimization to apply to the IR, -1 through 2. -1 is the strictest unoptimized level, 0 is unoptimized but will perform some lookahead/lookbehind optimizations, 1 performs constant propogation, and 2 performs loop unrolling, which honestly doesn’t make much sense in the context of pyvex. The default is 1.
traceflags – The libVEX traceflags, controlling VEX debug prints.
Explicitly specifying the number of instructions to lift (max_inst) may not always work exactly as expected. For example, on MIPS, it is meaningless to lift a branch or jump instruction without its delay slot. VEX attempts to Do The Right Thing by possibly decoding fewer instructions than requested. Specifically, this means that lifting a branch or jump on MIPS as a single instruction (max_inst=1) will result in an empty IRSB, and subsequent attempts to run this block will raise SimIRSBError(‘Empty IRSB passed to SimIRSB.’).
If no instruction and byte limit is used, pyvex will continue lifting the block until the block ends properly or until it runs out of data to lift.
- pyvex.lifting.register(lifter, arch_name)
Registers a Lifter or Postprocessor to be used by pyvex. Lifters are are given priority based on the order in which they are registered. Postprocessors will be run in registration order.
- Parameters
lifter – The Lifter or Postprocessor to register
- class pyvex.lifting.libvex.VexRegisterUpdates
- VexRegUpd_INVALID = 1792
- VexRegUpdSpAtMemAccess = 1793
- VexRegUpdUnwindregsAtMemAccess = 1794
- VexRegUpdAllregsAtMemAccess = 1795
- VexRegUpdAllregsAtEachInsn = 1796
- VexRegUpdLdAllregsAtEachInsn = 1797
- class pyvex.lifting.libvex.LibVEXLifter(arch, addr)
- static get_vex_log()
- lift()
- class pyvex.lifting.lifter.Lifter(arch, addr)
- arch
- addr
- data
- bytes_offset
- opt_level
- traceflags
- allow_arch_optimizations
- strict_block_end
- collect_data_refs
- max_inst
- max_bytes
- skip_stmts
- irsb
- cross_insn_opt
- load_from_ro_regions
- lift()
Lifts the data using the information passed into _lift. Should be overridden in child classes.
Should set the lifted IRSB to self.irsb. If a lifter raises a LiftingException on the data, this signals that the lifter cannot lift this data and arch and the lifter is skipped. If a lifter can lift any amount of data, it should lift it and return the lifted block with a jumpkind of Ijk_NoDecode, signalling to pyvex that other lifters should be used on the undecodable data.
- class pyvex.lifting.post_processor.Postprocessor(irsb)
- postprocess()
Modify the irsb
All of the postprocessors will be used in the order that they are registered
- pyvex.lifting.util.irsb_postprocess.irsb_postproc_flatten(irsb_old: pyvex.block.IRSB, irsb_new: Optional[pyvex.block.IRSB] = None) pyvex.block.IRSB
- Parameters
irsb_old – The IRSB to be flattened
irsb_new – the IRSB to rewrite the instructions of irsb_old to. If it is None a new empty IRSB will be created
- Returns
the flattened IRSB
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.ARMSpotter(*args)
- arm_instrs = [<class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MRC'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MCR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MSR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MRS'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STM'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDM'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STC'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDC'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_CDP'>]
- thumb_instrs = [<class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tCPSID'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tMSR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tMRS'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_WFI'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tDMB'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STC_THUMB'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDC_THUMB'>]
- lift(disassemble=False, dump_irsb=False)
- bitstrm
- errors
- thedata
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.AARCH64Spotter(*args)
- instrs = [<class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_MRS'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_MSR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_SYSL'>]
- bitstrm
- errors
- thedata
- pyvex.lifting.util.syntax_wrapper.checkparams(rhstype=None)
- pyvex.lifting.util.syntax_wrapper.vvifyresults(f)
- class pyvex.lifting.util.syntax_wrapper.VexValue(irsb_c: pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.IRSBCustomizer, rdt: Union[pyvex.expr.RdTmp, pyvex.expr.Const], signed=False)
- property value
- property signed
- widen_unsigned(ty)
- cast_to(ty, signed=False, high=False)
- widen_signed(ty)
- narrow_high(ty)
- narrow_low(ty)
- set_bit(idx, bval)
- set_bits(idxsandvals)
- ite(iftrue, iffalse)
- sar(right)
v.sar(r) should do arithmetic shift right of v by r
:param right:VexValue value to shift by :return: VexValue - result of a shift
- classmethod Constant(irsb_c, val, ty)
Creates a constant as a VexValue :param irsb_c: The IRSBCustomizer to use :param val: The value, as an integer :param ty: The type of the resulting VexValue :return: a VexValue
- class pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.JumpKind
- Boring = 'Ijk_Boring'
- Call = 'Ijk_Call'
- Ret = 'Ijk_Ret'
- Segfault = 'Ijk_SigSEGV'
- Exit = 'Ijk_Exit'
- Syscall = 'Ijk_Sys_syscall'
- Sysenter = 'Ijk_Sys_sysenter'
- Invalid = 'Ijk_INVALID'
- NoDecode = 'Ijk_NoDecode'
- class pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.TypeMeta
- typemeta_re = re.compile('int_(?P<size>\\d+)$')
- class pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.Type
- ieee_float_16 = 'Ity_F16'
- ieee_float_32 = 'Ity_F32'
- ieee_float_64 = 'Ity_F64'
- ieee_float_128 = 'Ity_F128'
- decimal_float_32 = 'Ity_D32'
- decimal_float_64 = 'Ity_D64'
- decimal_float_128 = 'Ity_D128'
- simd_vector_128 = 'Ity_V128'
- simd_vector_256 = 'Ity_V256'
- pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.get_op_format_from_const_ty(ty)
- pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.make_format_op_generator(fmt_string)
Return a function which generates an op format (just a string of the vex instruction)
Functions by formatting the fmt_string with the types of the arguments
- pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.mkbinop(fstring)
- pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.mkunop(fstring)
- pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.mkcmpop(fstring_fragment, signedness='')
- class pyvex.lifting.util.vex_helper.IRSBCustomizer(irsb)
- op_add(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_sub(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_umul(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_smul(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_sdiv(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_udiv(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_mod(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_or(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_and(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_xor(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_shr(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_shl(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_sar(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_not(expr_a)
- op_cmp_eq(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_ne(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_slt(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_sle(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_ult(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_ule(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_sge(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_uge(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_sgt(expr_a, expr_b)
- op_cmp_ugt(expr_a, expr_b)
- get_type(rdt)
- imark(int_addr, int_length, int_delta=0)
- get_reg(regname)
- put(expr_val, tuple_reg)
- store(addr, expr)
- noop()
- add_exit(guard, dst, jk, ip)
Add an exit out of the middle of an IRSB. (e.g., a conditional jump) :param guard: An expression, the exit is taken if true :param dst: the destination of the exit (a Const) :param jk: the JumpKind of this exit (probably Ijk_Boring) :param ip: The address of this exit’s source
- goto(addr)
- ret(addr)
- call(addr)
- rdreg(reg, ty)
- load(addr, ty)
- op_ccall(retty, funcstr, args)
- ite(condrdt, iftruerdt, iffalserdt)
- mkconst(val, ty)
- op_generic(Operation, op_generator)
- op_binary(op_format_str)
- op_unary(op_format_str)
- cast_to(rdt, tydest, signed=False, high=False)
- op_to_one_bit(rdt)
- op_narrow_int(rdt, tydest, high_half=False)
- op_widen_int(rdt, tydest, signed=False)
- op_widen_int_signed(rdt, tydest)
- op_widen_int_unsigned(rdt, tydest)
- get_msb(tmp, ty)
- get_bit(rdt, idx)
- op_extract_lsb(rdt)
- set_bit(rdt, idx, bval)
- set_bits(rdt, idxsandvals)
- get_rdt_width(rdt)
- pyvex.lifting.util.lifter_helper.is_empty(bitstrm)
- exception pyvex.lifting.util.lifter_helper.ParseError
- class pyvex.lifting.util.lifter_helper.GymratLifter(*args)
This is a base class for lifters that use Gymrat. For most architectures, all you need to do is subclass this, and set the property “instructions” to be a list of classes that define each instruction. By default, a lifter will decode instructions by attempting to instantiate every class until one works. This will use an IRSBCustomizer, which will, if it succeeds, add the appropriate VEX instructions to a pyvex IRSB. pyvex, when lifting a block of code for this architecture, will call the method “lift”, which will produce the IRSB of the lifted code.
- instrs = None
- bitstrm
- errors
- thedata
- create_bitstrm()
- decode()
- lift(disassemble=False, dump_irsb=False)
- pp_disas()
- error()
- disassemble()
- class pyvex.lifting.util.instr_helper.Instruction(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Base class for an Instruction.
You should make a subclass of this for each instruction you want to lift. These classes will contain the “semantics” of the instruction, that is, what it _does_, in terms of the VEX IR.
You may want to subclass this for your architecture, and add arch-specific handling for parsing, argument resolution, etc., and have instructions subclass that instead.
The core parsing functionality is done via
. Each instruction should be a subclass ofInstruction
and will be parsed by comparing bits in the provided bitstream to symbols in thebin_format
member of the class. “Bin formats” are strings of symbols, like those you’d find in an ISA document, such as “0010rrrrddddffmm” 0 or 1 specify hard-coded bits that must match for an instruction to match. Any letters specify arguments, grouped by letter, which will be parsed and provided as bitstrings in thedata
member of the class as a dictionary. So, in our example, the bits0010110101101001
, applied to format string0010rrrrddddffmm
will result in the following
:- {‘r’: ‘1101’,
‘d’: ‘0110’, ‘f’: ‘10’, ‘m’: ‘01’}
Implement compute_result to provide the “meat” of what your instruction does. You can also implement it in your arch-specific subclass of
, to handle things common to all instructions, and provide instruction implementations elsewhere.We provide the
syntax wrapper to make expressing instruction semantics easy. You first convert the bitstring arguments intoVexValue``s using the provided convenience methods (``self.get/put/load/store/etc.
) This loads the register from the actual registers into a temporary value we can work with. You can then write it back to a register when you’re done. For example, if you have the register inr
, as above, you can make aVexValue
like this:r = int([‘r’], 2) # we get bits corresponding to r bits and convert it to an int r_vv = self.get(r, Type.int_32)
If you then had an instruction to increment
, you could simply:return r_vv += 1
You could then write it back to the register like this:
self.put(r_vv, r)
Note that most architectures have special flags that get set differently for each instruction, make sure to implement those as well (override
to extend parsing. For example, in MSP430, this allows us to grab extra words from the bitstream when extra immediate words are present.All architectures are different enough that there’s no magic recipe for how to write a lifter. See the examples provided by gymrat for ideas of how to use this to build your own lifters quickly and easily.
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- irsb_c = None
- data = None
- abstract property bin_format: str
Read the documentation of the class to understand what a bin format string is
- Returns
str bin format string
- abstract property name: str
Name of the instruction
Can be useful to name the instruction when there’s an error related to it
- mark_instruction_start()
- fetch_operands()
Get the operands out of memory or registers Return a tuple of operands for the instruction
- lift(irsb_c, past_instructions, future_instructions)
This is the main body of the “lifting” for the instruction. This can/should be overridden to provide the general flow of how instructions in your arch work. For example, in MSP430, this is:
Figure out what your operands are by parsing the addressing, and load them into temporary registers
Do the actual operation, and commit the result, if needed.
Compute the flags
- commit_result(res)
This where the result of the operation is written to a destination. This happens only if compute_result does not return None, and happens before compute_flags is called. Override this to specify how to write out the result. The results of fetch_operands can be used to resolve various addressing modes for the write outward. A common pattern is to return a function from fetch_operands which will be called here to perform the write.
- Parameters
args – A tuple of the results of fetch_operands and compute_result
- compute_result(*args)
This is where the actual operation performed by your instruction, excluding the calculation of flags, should be performed. Return the VexValue of the “result” of the instruction, which may be used to calculate the flags later. For example, for a simple add, with arguments src and dst, you can simply write:
return src + dst:
- Parameters
args –
- Returns
A VexValue containing the “result” of the operation.
- compute_flags(*args)
Most CPU architectures have “flags” that should be computed for many instructions. Override this to specify how that happens. One common pattern is to define this method to call specifi methods to update each flag, which can then be overriden in the actual classes for each instruction.
- match_instruction(data, bitstrm)
Override this to extend the parsing functionality. This is great for if your arch has instruction “formats” that have an opcode that has to match.
- Parameters
data –
bitstrm –
- Returns
- parse(bitstrm)
- property bytewidth
- disassemble()
Return the disassembly of this instruction, as a string. Override this in subclasses.
- Returns
The address (self.addr), the instruction’s name, and a list of its operands, as strings
- load(addr, ty)
Load a value from memory into a VEX temporary register.
- Parameters
addr – The VexValue containing the addr to load from.
ty – The Type of the resulting data
- Returns
a VexValue
- constant(val, ty)
Creates a constant as a VexValue
- Parameters
val – The value, as an integer
ty – The type of the resulting VexValue
- Returns
a VexValue
- get(reg, ty)
Load a value from a machine register into a VEX temporary register. All values must be loaded out of registers before they can be used with operations, etc and stored back into them when the instruction is over. See Put().
- Parameters
reg – Register number as an integer, or register string name
ty – The Type to use.
- Returns
A VexValue of the gotten value.
- put(val, reg)
Puts a value from a VEX temporary register into a machine register. This is how the results of operations done to registers get committed to the machine’s state.
- Parameters
val – The VexValue to store (Want to store a constant? See Constant() first)
reg – The integer register number to store into, or register name
- Returns
- put_conditional(cond, valiftrue, valiffalse, reg)
Like put, except it checks a condition to decide what to put in the destination register.
- Parameters
cond – The VexValue representing the logical expression for the condition (if your expression only has constants, don’t use this method!)
valiftrue – the VexValue to put in reg if cond evals as true
validfalse – the VexValue to put in reg if cond evals as false
reg – The integer register number to store into, or register name
- Returns
- store(val, addr)
Store a VexValue in memory at the specified loaction.
- Parameters
val – The VexValue of the value to store
addr – The VexValue of the address to store into
- Returns
- jump(condition, to_addr, jumpkind='Ijk_Boring', ip_offset=None)
Jump to a specified destination, under the specified condition. Used for branches, jumps, calls, returns, etc.
- Parameters
condition – The VexValue representing the expression for the guard, or None for an unconditional jump
to_addr – The address to jump to.
jumpkind – The JumpKind to use. See the VEX docs for what these are; you only need them for things aren’t normal jumps (e.g., calls, interrupts, program exits, etc etc)
- Returns
- ite(cond, t, f)
- ccall(ret_type, func_obj, args)
Creates a CCall operation. A CCall is a procedure that calculates a value at runtime, not at lift-time. You can use these for flags, unresolvable jump targets, etc. We caution you to avoid using them when at all possible though.
For an example of how to write and use a CCall, see gymrat/bf/
- Parameters
ret_type – The return type of the CCall
func_obj – The function object to eventually call.
args – List of arguments to the function
- Returns
A VexValue of the result.
Builtin IR Processors
- class pyvex.lifting.zerodivision.ZeroDivisionPostProcessor(irsb)
A postprocessor for adding zero-division checks to VEX.
For “div rcx”, will turn:
00 | —— IMark(0x8000, 3, 0) —— 01 | t0 = GET:I64(rcx) 02 | t1 = GET:I64(rax) 03 | t2 = GET:I64(rdx) 04 | t3 = 64HLto128(t2,t1) 05 | t4 = DivModU128to64(t3,t0) 06 | t5 = 128to64(t4) 07 | PUT(rax) = t5 08 | t6 = 128HIto64(t4) 09 | PUT(rdx) = t6 NEXT: PUT(rip) = 0x0000000000008003; Ijk_Boring
00 | —— IMark(0x8000, 3, 0) —— 01 | t0 = GET:I64(rcx) 02 | t4 = GET:I64(rax) 03 | t5 = GET:I64(rdx) 04 | t3 = 64HLto128(t5,t4) 05 | t9 = CmpEQ(t0,0x0000000000000000) 06 | if (t9) { PUT(pc) = 0x8000; Ijk_SigFPE_IntDiv } 07 | t2 = DivModU128to64(t3,t0) 08 | t6 = 128to64(t2) 09 | PUT(rax) = t6 10 | t7 = 128HIto64(t2) 11 | PUT(rdx) = t7 NEXT: PUT(rip) = 0x0000000000008003; Ijk_Boring
- postprocess()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.ARMInstruction(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- match_instruction(data, bitstrm)
ARM Instructions are pretty dense, so let’s do what we can to weed them out
- get_N()
- get_C()
- get_V()
- get_Z()
- evaluate_condition()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MRC(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'MRC'
- bin_format = 'cccc1110CCC1nnnnddddppppOOOOOOOO'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MCR(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'MCR'
- bin_format = 'cccc1110CCC0nnnnddddppppOOOOOOOO'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MSR(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'MSR'
- bin_format = 'cccc00i10d10xxxj1111ssssssssssss'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MRS(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'MRS'
- bin_format = 'cccc00010s001111dddd000000000000'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STM(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'STM'
- bin_format = 'cccc100pu1w0bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'
- match_instruction(data, bitstrm)
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDM(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'LDM'
- bin_format = 'cccc100PU1W1bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'
- match_instruction(data, bitstrm)
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STC(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'STC'
- bin_format = 'cccc110PUNW0nnnnddddppppOOOOOOOO'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STC_THUMB(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'STC'
- bin_format = '111c110PUNW0nnnnddddppppOOOOOOOO'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDC(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'LDC'
- bin_format = 'cccc110PUNW1nnnnddddppppOOOOOOOO'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDC_THUMB(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'LDC'
- bin_format = '111c110PUNW1nnnnddddppppOOOOOOOO'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_CDP(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'CDP'
- bin_format = 'cccc1110oooonnnnddddppppPPP0mmmm'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.ThumbInstruction(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- mark_instruction_start()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tCPSID(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'CPSID'
- bin_format = '101101x0011x0010'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tMSR(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'tMSR'
- bin_format = '10x0mmmmxxxxxxxx11110011100Rrrrr'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tMRS(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'tMRS'
- bin_format = '10x0mmmmxxxxxxxx11110011111Rrrrr'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tDMB(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'DMB'
- bin_format = '100011110101xxxx1111001110111111'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_WFI(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'WFI'
- bin_format = '10111111001a0000'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.ARMSpotter(*args)
- arm_instrs = [<class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MRC'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MCR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MSR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_MRS'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STM'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDM'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STC'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDC'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_CDP'>]
- thumb_instrs = [<class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tCPSID'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tMSR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tMRS'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_WFI'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_tDMB'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_STC_THUMB'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.arm_spotter.Instruction_LDC_THUMB'>]
- thumb: bool
- lift(disassemble=False, dump_irsb=False)
- bitstrm
- errors
- thedata
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Aarch64Instruction(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_SYSL(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'SYSL'
- bin_format = '1101010100101qqqnnnnmmmmppprrrrr'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_MSR(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'MSR'
- bin_format = '11010101000ioqqqnnnnmmmmppprrrrr'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_MRS(bitstrm, arch, addr)
Create an instance of the instruction
- Parameters
irsb_c – The IRSBCustomizer to put VEX instructions into
bitstrm – The bitstream to decode instructions from
addr – The address of the instruction to be lifted, used only for jumps and branches
- name = 'MRS'
- bin_format = '110101010011opppnnnnmmmmppprrrrr'
- compute_result()
- class pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.AARCH64Spotter(*args)
- instrs = [<class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_MRS'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_MSR'>, <class 'pyvex.lifting.gym.aarch64_spotter.Instruction_SYSL'>]
- bitstrm
- errors
- thedata
- exception pyvex.errors.PyVEXError
- exception pyvex.errors.SkipStatementsError
- exception pyvex.errors.LiftingException
- exception pyvex.errors.NeedStatementsNotification
A post-processor may raise a NeedStatementsNotification if it needs to work with statements, but the current IRSB is generated without any statement available (skip_stmts=True). The lifter will re-lift the current block with skip_stmts=False upon catching a NeedStatementsNotification, and re-run the post-processors.
It’s worth noting that if a post-processor always raises this notification for every basic block without statements, it will essentially disable the skipping statement optimization, and it is bad for performance (especially for CFGFast, which heavily relies on this optimization). Post-processor authors are encouraged to at least filter the IRSBs based on available properties (jumpkind, next, etc.). If a post-processor must work with statements for the majority of IRSBs, the author should implement it in PyVEX in C for the sake of a better performance.
- pyvex.utils.stable_hash(t: Tuple) int