cle — Binary Loader

CLE is an extensible binary loader. Its main goal is to take an executable program and any libraries it depends on and produce an address space where that program is loaded and ready to run.

The primary interface to CLE is the Loader class.

Loading Interface

class cle.loader.Loader(main_binary, auto_load_libs=True, concrete_target=None, force_load_libs=(), skip_libs=(), main_opts=None, lib_opts=None, ld_path=(), use_system_libs=True, ignore_import_version_numbers=True, case_insensitive=False, rebase_granularity=1048576, except_missing_libs=False, aslr=False, perform_relocations=True, load_debug_info=False, page_size=1, preload_libs=(), arch=None)

Bases: object

The loader loads all the objects and exports an abstraction of the memory of the process. What you see here is an address space with loaded and rebased binaries.


main_binary – The path to the main binary you’re loading, or a file-like object with the binary in it.

The following parameters are optional.

  • auto_load_libs – Whether to automatically load shared libraries that loaded objects depend on.

  • load_debug_info – Whether to automatically parse DWARF data and search for debug symbol files.

  • concrete_target – Whether to instantiate a concrete target for a concrete execution of the process. if this is the case we will need to instantiate a SimConcreteEngine that wraps the ConcreteTarget provided by the user.

  • force_load_libs – A list of libraries to load regardless of if they’re required by a loaded object.

  • skip_libs – A list of libraries to never load, even if they’re required by a loaded object.

  • main_opts – A dictionary of options to be used loading the main binary.

  • lib_opts – A dictionary mapping library names to the dictionaries of options to be used when loading them.

  • ld_path – A list of paths in which we can search for shared libraries.

  • use_system_libs – Whether or not to search the system load path for requested libraries. Default True.

  • ignore_import_version_numbers – Whether libraries with different version numbers in the filename will be considered equivalent, for example and

  • case_insensitive – If this is set to True, filesystem loads will be done case-insensitively regardless of the case-sensitivity of the underlying filesystem.

  • rebase_granularity – The alignment to use for rebasing shared objects

  • except_missing_libs – Throw an exception when a shared library can’t be found.

  • aslr – Load libraries in symbolic address space. Do not use this option.

  • page_size – The granularity with which data is mapped into memory. Set to 1 if you are working in a non-paged environment.

  • preload_libs – Similar to force_load_libs but will provide for symbol resolution, with precedence over any dependencies.

  • memory (cle.memory.Clemory) – The loaded, rebased, and relocated memory of the program.

  • main_object – The object representing the main binary (i.e., the executable).

  • shared_objects – A dictionary mapping loaded library names to the objects representing them.

  • all_objects – A list containing representations of all the different objects loaded.

  • requested_names – A set containing the names of all the different shared libraries that were marked as a dependency by somebody.

  • initial_load_objects – A list of all the objects that were loaded as a result of the initial load request.

When reference is made to a dictionary of options, it requires a dictionary with zero or more of the following keys:

  • backend : “elf”, “pe”, “mach-o”, “blob” : which loader backend to use

  • arch : The archinfo.Arch object to use for the binary

  • base_addr : The address to rebase the object at

  • entry_point : The entry point to use for the object

More keys are defined on a per-backend basis.

memory: Optional[cle.memory.Clemory]
main_object: Optional[cle.backends.Backend]
tls: Optional[cle.backends.tls.ThreadManager]
property max_addr

The maximum address loaded as part of any loaded object (i.e., the whole address space).

property min_addr

The minimum address loaded as part of any loaded object (i.e., the whole address space).

property initializers

Return a list of all the initializers that should be run before execution reaches the entry point, in the order they should be run.

property finalizers

Return a list of all the finalizers that should be run before the program exits. I’m not sure what order they should be run in.

property linux_loader_object

If the linux dynamic loader is present in memory, return it

property elfcore_object

If a corefile was loaded, this returns the actual core object instead of the main binary

property extern_object

Return the extern object used to provide addresses to unresolved symbols and angr internals.

Accessing this property will load this object into memory if it was not previously present.

proposed model for how multiple extern objects should work:

  1. extern objects are a linked list. the one in loader._extern_object is the head of the list

  2. each round of explicit loads generates a new extern object if it has unresolved dependencies. this object has exactly the size necessary to hold all its exports.

  3. All requests for size are passed down the chain until they reach an object which has the space to service it or an object which has not yet been mapped. If all objects have been mapped and are full, a new extern object is mapped with a fixed size.

property kernel_object: cle.backends.externs.KernelObject

Return the object used to provide addresses to syscalls.

Accessing this property will load this object into memory if it was not previously present.

property all_elf_objects

Return a list of every object that was loaded from an ELF file.

property all_pe_objects

Return a list of every object that was loaded from an ELF file.

property missing_dependencies

Return a set of every name that was requested as a shared object dependency but could not be loaded

property auto_load_libs

Returns a textual description of what’s in memory at the provided address

find_object(spec, extra_objects=())

If the given library specification has been loaded, return its object, otherwise return None.

find_object_containing(addr, membership_check=True)

Return the object that contains the given address, or None if the address is unmapped.

  • addr (int) – The address that should be contained in the object.

  • membership_check (bool) – Whether a membership check should be performed or not (True by default). This option can be set to False if you are certain that the target object does not have “holes”.


The object or None.

find_segment_containing(addr, skip_pseudo_objects=True)

Find the section object that the address belongs to.

  • addr (int) – The address to test

  • skip_pseudo_objects (bool) – Skip objects that CLE adds during loading.


The section that the address belongs to, or None if the address does not belong to any section, or if section information is not available.

Return type


find_section_containing(addr, skip_pseudo_objects=True)

Find the section object that the address belongs to.

  • addr (int) – The address to test.

  • skip_pseudo_objects (bool) – Skip objects that CLE adds during loading.


The section that the address belongs to, or None if the address does not belong to any section, or if section information is not available.

Return type


find_section_next_to(addr, skip_pseudo_objects=True)

Find the next section after the given address.

  • addr (int) – The address to test.

  • skip_pseudo_objects (bool) – Skip objects that CLE adds during loading.


The next section that goes after the given address, or None if there is no section after the address, or if section information is not available.

Return type


find_symbol(thing, fuzzy=False)

Search for the symbol with the given name or address.

  • thing – Either the name or address of a symbol to look up

  • fuzzy – Set to True to return the first symbol before or at the given address


A cle.backends.Symbol object if found, None otherwise.

property symbols
find_all_symbols(name, exclude_imports=True, exclude_externs=False, exclude_forwards=True)

Iterate over all symbols present in the set of loaded binaries that have the given name

  • name – The name to search for

  • exclude_imports – Whether to exclude import symbols. Default True.

  • exclude_externs – Whether to exclude symbols in the extern object. Default False.

  • exclude_forwards – Whether to exclude forward symbols. Default True.


Return the name of the PLT stub starting at addr.


Iterate through all the relocations referring to the symbol with the given name


Use this method to satisfy IRelative relocations in the binary that require execution of loaded code.

Note that this does NOT handle IFunc symbols, which must be handled separately. (this could be changed, but at the moment it’s desirable to support lazy IFunc resolution, since emulation is usually slow)


resolver_func – A callback function that takes an address, runs the code at that address, and returns the return value from the emulated function.


Load a file into the address space. Note that the sematics of auto_load_libs and except_missing_libs apply at all times.


spec – The path to the file to load. May be an absolute path, a relative path, or a name to search in the load path.


A list of all the objects successfully loaded, which may be empty if this object was previously loaded. If the object specified in spec failed to load for any reason, including the file not being found, return None.


Do not use this method.


class cle.backends.FunctionHintSource

Bases: object

Enums that describe the source of function hints.

class cle.backends.FunctionHint(addr, size, source)

Bases: object

Describes a function hint.

  • addr (int) – Address of the function.

  • size (int) – Size of the function.

  • source (int) – Source of this hint.

class cle.backends.ExceptionHandling(start_addr, size, handler_addr=None, type_=None, func_addr=None)

Bases: object

Describes an exception handling.

Exception handlers are usually language-specific. In C++, it is usually implemented as try {} catch {} blocks.

  • start_addr (int) – The beginning of the try block.

  • size (int) – Size of the try block.

  • handler_addr (Optional[int]) – Address of the exception handler code.

  • type – Type of the exception handler. Optional.

  • func_addr (Optional[int]) – Address of the function. Optional.

class cle.backends.Backend(binary, binary_stream, loader=None, is_main_bin=False, entry_point=None, arch=None, base_addr=None, force_rebase=False, has_memory=True, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Main base class for CLE binary objects.

An alternate interface to this constructor exists as the static method cle.loader.Loader.load_object()

  • binary – The path to the file this object is loaded from

  • binary_basename – The basename of the filepath, or a short representation of the stream it was loaded from

  • is_main_bin – Whether this binary is loaded as the main executable

  • segments – A listing of all the loaded segments in this file

  • sections – A listing of all the demarked sections in the file

  • sections_map – A dict mapping from section name to section

  • imports – A mapping from symbol name to import relocation

  • resolved_imports – A list of all the import symbols that are successfully resolved

  • relocs – A list of all the relocations in this binary

  • irelatives – A list of tuples representing all the irelative relocations that need to be performed. The first item in the tuple is the address of the resolver function, and the second item is the address of where to write the result. The destination address is an RVA.

  • jmprel – A mapping from symbol name to the address of its jump slot relocation, i.e. its GOT entry.

  • arch (archinfo.arch.Arch) – The architecture of this binary

  • os (str) – The operating system this binary is meant to run under

  • mapped_base (int) – The base address of this object in virtual memory

  • deps – A list of names of shared libraries this binary depends on

  • linking – ‘dynamic’ or ‘static’

  • linked_base – The base address this object requests to be loaded at

  • pic (bool) – Whether this object is position-independent

  • execstack (bool) – Whether this executable has an executable stack

  • provides (str) – The name of the shared library dependancy that this object resolves

  • symbols (list) – A list of symbols provided by this object, sorted by address

  • has_memory – Whether this backend is backed by a Clemory or not. As it stands now, a backend should still define min_addr and max_addr even if has_memory is False.

  • binary – The path to the binary to load

  • binary_stream – The open stream to this binary. The reference to this will be held until you call close.

  • is_main_bin – Whether this binary should be loaded as the main executable

is_default = False
loader: Loader
property image_base_delta
property entry
property segments: cle.backends.regions.Regions
property sections
property symbols_by_addr

Rebase backend’s regions to the new base where they were mapped by the loader


Apply all resolved relocations to memory.

The meaning of “resolved relocations” is somewhat subtle - there is a linking step which attempts to resolve each relocation, currently only present in the main internal loading function since the calculation of which objects should be available


Is addr in one of the binary’s segments/sections we have loaded? (i.e. is it mapped into memory ?)


Returns the segment that contains addr, or None.


Returns the section that contains addr or None.

property min_addr

This returns the lowest virtual address contained in any loaded segment of the binary.

property max_addr

This returns the highest virtual address contained in any loaded segment of the binary.

property initializers

Stub function. Should be overridden by backends that can provide initializer functions that ought to be run before execution reaches the entry point. Addresses should be rebased.

property finalizers

Stub function. Like initializers, but with finalizers.

property threads

If this backend represents a dump of a running program, it may contain one or more thread contexts, i.e. register files. This property should contain a list of names for these threads, which should be unique.


If this backend represents a dump of a running program, it may contain one or more thread contexts, i.e. register files. This method should return the register file for a given thread (as named in Backend.threads) as a dict mapping register names (as seen in archinfo) to numbers. If the thread is not specified, it should return the context for a “default” thread. If there are no threads, it should return an empty dict.




Stub function. Implement to find the symbol with name name.

static extract_soname(path)

Extracts the shared object identifier from the path, or returns None if it cannot.

classmethod is_compatible(stream)

Determine quickly whether this backend can load an object from this stream

classmethod check_compatibility(spec, obj)

Performs a minimal static load of spec and returns whether it’s compatible with other_obj

classmethod check_magic_compatibility(stream)

Check if a stream of bytes contains the same magic number as the main object

cle.backends.register_backend(name, cls)
class cle.backends.symbol.SymbolType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

ABI-agnostic symbol types

class cle.backends.symbol.SymbolSubType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

Abstract base class for ABI-specific symbol types

to_base_type() cle.backends.symbol.SymbolType

A subclass’ ABI-specific mapping to :SymbolType:

class cle.backends.symbol.Symbol(owner, name, relative_addr, size, sym_type)

Bases: object

Representation of a symbol from a binary file. Smart enough to rebase itself.

There should never be more than one Symbol instance representing a single symbol. To make sure of this, only use the cle.backends.Backend.get_symbol() to create new symbols.

  • owner (cle.backends.Backend) – The object that contains this symbol

  • name (str) – The name of this symbol

  • addr (int) – The un-based address of this symbol, an RVA

  • size (int) – The size of this symbol

  • _type (SymbolType) – The ABI-agnostic type of this symbol

  • resolved (bool) – Whether this import symbol has been resolved to a real symbol

  • resolvedby (None or cle.backends.Symbol) – The real symbol this import symbol has been resolve to

  • resolvewith (str) – The name of the library we must use to resolve this symbol, or None if none is required.

Not documenting this since if you try calling it, you’re wrong.

property type: cle.backends.symbol.SymbolType

The ABI-agnostic SymbolType. Must be overridden by derived types.

property subtype: cle.backends.symbol.SymbolSubType

A subclass’ ABI-specific types

property rebased_addr

The address of this symbol in the global memory space

property linked_addr
property is_function

Whether this symbol is a function

is_static = False
is_common = False
is_import = False
is_export = False
is_local = False
is_weak = False
is_extern = False
is_forward = False

If this symbol is a forwarding export, return the symbol the forwarding refers to, or None if it cannot be found.

property owner_obj
class cle.backends.regions.Regions(lst=None)

Bases: object

A container class acting as a list of regions (sections or segments). Additionally, it keeps an sorted list of all regions that are mapped into memory to allow fast lookups.

We assume none of the regions overlap with others.

property raw_list: List[Region]

Get the internal list. Any change to it is not tracked, and therefore _sorted_list will not be updated. Therefore you probably does not want to modify the list.


The internal list container.

Return type


property max_addr: Optional[int]

Get the highest address of all regions.


The highest address of all regions, or None if there is no region available.

Return type

int or None

append(region: Region)

Append a new Region instance into the list.


region (Region) – The region to append.

remove(region: Region) None

Remove an existing Region instance from the list.


region (Region) – The region to remove.

find_region_containing(addr) Optional[Region]

Find the region that contains a specific address. Returns None if none of the regions covers the address.


addr (int) – The address.


The region that covers the specific address, or None if no such region is found.

Return type

Region or None


Find the next region after the given address.


addr (int) – The address to test.


The next region that goes after the given address, or None if there is no section after the address,

Return type

Region or None

class cle.backends.region.Region(offset, vaddr, filesize, memsize)

Bases: object

A region of memory that is mapped in the object’s file.

  • offset – The offset into the file the region starts.

  • vaddr – The virtual address.

  • filesize – The size of the region in the file.

  • memsize – The size of the region when loaded into memory.

The prefix v- on a variable or parameter name indicates that it refers to the virtual, loaded memory space, while a corresponding variable without the v- refers to the flat zero-based memory of the file.

When used next to each other, addr and offset refer to virtual memory address and file offset, respectively.

vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int

Does this region contain this virtual address?


Does this region contain this offset into the file?


Convert a virtual memory address into a file offset


Convert a file offset into a virtual memory address

property max_addr

The maximum virtual address of this region

property min_addr

The minimum virtual address of this region

property max_offset

The maximum file offset of this region


The minimum file offset of this region

class cle.backends.region.Segment(offset, vaddr, filesize, memsize)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Region

vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.region.EmptySegment(vaddr, memsize, is_readable=True, is_writable=True, is_executable=False)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Segment

A segment with no static content, and permissions

property is_executable
property is_writable
property is_readable
property only_contains_uninitialized_data

Whether this section is initialized to zero after the executable is loaded.

vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.region.Section(name, offset, vaddr, size)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Region

Simple representation of a loaded section.


name (str) – The name of the section

  • name (str) – The name of the section

  • offset (int) – The offset into the binary file this section begins

  • vaddr (int) – The address in virtual memory this section begins

  • size (int) – How large this section is

property is_readable

Whether this section has read permissions

property is_writable

Whether this section has write permissions

property is_executable

Whether this section has execute permissions

vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
property only_contains_uninitialized_data

Whether this section is initialized to zero after the executable is loaded.

class cle.backends.elf.elf.ELFSymbol(owner, symb)

Bases: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol

Represents a symbol for the ELF format.

  • binding (str) – The binding of this symbol as an ELF enum string

  • section – The section associated with this symbol, or None

  • _subtype – The ELFSymbolType of this symbol

property subtype: cle.backends.elf.symbol_type.ELFSymbolType
class cle.backends.elf.elf.ELF(*args, addend=None, debug_symbols=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.metaelf.MetaELF

The main loader class for statically loading ELF executables. Uses the pyreadelf library where useful.

is_default = True
classmethod check_compatibility(spec, obj)
classmethod check_magic_compatibility(stream)
static is_compatible(stream)
static extract_arch(reader)
property initializers
property finalizers
property symbols_by_name
get_symbol(symid, symbol_table=None)

Gets a Symbol object for the specified symbol.


symid – Either an index into .dynsym or the name of a symbol.

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.elf.elfcore.ELFCore(*args, executable=None, remote_file_mapping=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.elf.ELF

Loader class for ELF core files.

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
property threads
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
variables: Optional[List[Variable]]
compilation_units: Optional[List[CompilationUnit]]


class cle.backends.elf.lsda.ExceptionTableHeader(lp_start, ttype_encoding, ttype_offset, call_site_encoding, call_site_table_len)

Bases: object

class cle.backends.elf.lsda.CallSiteEntry(cs_start, cs_len, cs_lp, cs_action)

Bases: object

class cle.backends.elf.lsda.LSDAExceptionTable(stream, bits, little_endian=True)

Bases: object

LSDA exception table parser.

TODO: Much of this class should be eventually moved to pyelftools.

parse_lsda(address, offset)
class cle.backends.elf.metaelf.MetaELF(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

A base class that implements functions used by all backends that can load an ELF.

supported_filetypes = ['elf']
property plt

Maps names to addresses.

property reverse_plt

Maps addresses to names.

property is_ppc64_abiv1

Returns whether the arch is PowerPC64 ABIv1.


True if PowerPC64 ABIv1, False otherwise.

property is_ppc64_abiv2

Returns whether the arch is PowerPC64 ABIv2.


True if PowerPC64 ABIv2, False otherwise.

property ppc64_initial_rtoc

Get initial rtoc value for PowerPC64 architecture.

static extract_soname(path)
static get_text_offset(path)

Offset of .text in the binary.

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.elf.symbol.ELFSymbol(owner, symb)

Bases: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol

Represents a symbol for the ELF format.

  • binding (str) – The binding of this symbol as an ELF enum string

  • section – The section associated with this symbol, or None

  • _subtype – The ELFSymbolType of this symbol

property subtype: cle.backends.elf.symbol_type.ELFSymbolType
class cle.backends.elf.symbol_type.ELFSymbolType(value)

Bases: cle.backends.symbol.SymbolSubType

ELF-specific symbol types

This is just a nice way to allow for just specifying the int for default types: ELFSymbolType(10) rather than ELFSymbolType((10,None)).

Idea courtesy:

We don’t need to implement the str parsing like the SO link above since Enum already has built-in item access: ELFSymbolType[‘STT_FUNC’].

STT_NOTYPE = (0, None)
STT_OBJECT = (1, None)
STT_FUNC = (2, None)
STT_SECTION = (3, None)
STT_FILE = (4, None)
STT_COMMON = (5, None)
STT_TLS = (6, None)
STT_LOOS = (10, None)
STT_HIOS = (12, None)
STT_LOPROC = (13, None)
STT_HIPROC = (15, None)
STT_GNU_IFUNC = (10, 'gnu')
property elf_value
property os_proc
property is_custom_os_proc
class cle.backends.elf.regions.ELFSegment(readelf_seg, relro=False)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Segment

Represents a segment for the ELF format.

property is_readable
property is_writable
property is_executable
property is_relro
vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.elf.regions.ELFSection(readelf_sec, remap_offset=0)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Section

property is_readable
property is_active
property is_writable
property occupies_memory
property is_executable
property is_strings
property only_contains_uninitialized_data
vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.elf.hashtable.ELFHashTable(symtab, stream, offset, arch)

Bases: object

Functions to do lookup from a HASH section of an ELF file.


  • symtab – The symbol table to perform lookups from (as a pyelftools SymbolTableSection).

  • stream – A file-like object to read from the ELF’s memory.

  • offset – The offset in the object where the table starts.

  • arch – The ArchInfo object for the ELF file.


Perform a lookup. Returns a pyelftools Symbol object, or None if there is no match.


k – The string to look up.

static elf_hash(key)
class cle.backends.elf.hashtable.GNUHashTable(symtab, stream, offset, arch)

Bases: object

Functions to do lookup from a GNU_HASH section of an ELF file.


  • symtab – The symbol table to perform lookups from (as a pyelftools SymbolTableSection).

  • stream – A file-like object to read from the ELF’s memory.

  • offset – The offset in the object where the table starts.

  • arch – The ArchInfo object for the ELF file.


Perform a lookup. Returns a pyelftools Symbol object, or None if there is no match.


k – The string to look up

static gnu_hash(key)
class cle.backends.elf.variable.Variable(name: Optional[str], type_: Optional[cle.backends.elf.variable_type.VariableType], decl_file: Optional[str], decl_line: Optional[int], addr: Optional[int] = None, sort: str = '')

Bases: object

Variable for DWARF from a DW_TAG_variable or DW_TAG_formal_parameter

class cle.backends.elf.subprogram.Subprogram(name, low_pc, high_pc)

Bases: object

DW_TAG_subprogram for DWARF

local_variables: List[cle.backends.elf.variable.Variable] = []
class cle.backends.elf.variable_type.VariableType(name: str, byte_size: int)

Bases: object

DW_TAG_base_type for DWARF

static read_from_die(die: elftools.dwarf.die.DIE)
class cle.backends.elf.compilation_unit.CompilationUnit(name, comp_dir, low_pc, high_pc, language)

Bases: object

CompilationUnit for DWARF See page 60

functions: Dict[int, cle.backends.elf.subprogram.Subprogram] = {}
global_variables: List[cle.backends.elf.variable.Variable] = []
class cle.backends.named_region.NamedRegion(name, start, end, is_readable=True, is_writable=True, is_executable=False, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

A NamedRegion represents a region of memory that has a name, a location, but no static content.

This region also has permissions; with no memory, these obviously don’t do anything on their own, but they help inform any other code that relies on CLE (e.g., angr)

This can be used as a placeholder for memory that should exist in CLE’s view, but for which it does not need data, like RAM, MMIO, etc

Create a NamedRegion.

  • name – The name of the region

  • start – The start address of the region

  • end – The end address (exclusive) of the region

  • is_readable – Whether the region is readable

  • is_writable – Whether the region is writable

  • is_executable – Whether the region is executable

  • kwargs

is_default = False
has_memory = False
static is_compatible(stream)
property min_addr
property max_addr

NamedRegions don’t support function names.

classmethod check_compatibility(spec, obj)
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

Representation of a PE (i.e. Windows) binary.

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
classmethod check_magic_compatibility(stream)
classmethod check_compatibility(spec, obj)

Look up the symbol with the given name. Symbols can be looked up by ordinal with the name "ordinal.%d" % num

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class, name, addr, is_import, is_export, ordinal_number, forwarder)

Bases: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol

Represents a symbol for the PE format.

class, remap_offset=0)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Section

Represents a section for the PE format.

filesize: int
property is_readable
property is_writable
property is_executable
property only_contains_uninitialized_data
vaddr: int
memsize: int
class cle.backends.macho.macho.MachO(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

Mach-O binaries for CLE

The Mach-O format is notably different from other formats, as such: * Sections are always part of a segment, self.sections will thus be empty * Symbols cannot be categorized like in ELF * Symbol resolution must be handled by the binary * Rebasing cannot be done statically (i.e. self.mapped_base is ignored for now) * …

is_default = True
MH_MAGIC_64 = 4277009103
MH_CIGAM_64 = 3489328638
MH_MAGIC = 4277009102
MH_CIGAM = 3472551422
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
static is_compatible(stream)

Returns true if the given address is a THUMB interworking address


Decodes a thumb interworking address


Loads a string from the string table

parse_lc_str(f, start, limit=None)

Parses a lc_str data structure


Locates a symbol by checking the given address against sym.addr, sym.bind_xrefs and sym.symbol_stubs

get_symbol(name, include_stab=False, fuzzy=False)

Returns all symbols matching name.

Note that especially when include_stab=True there may be multiple symbols with the same name, therefore this method always returns an array.

  • name – the name of the symbol

  • include_stab – Include debugging symbols NOT RECOMMENDED

  • fuzzy – Replace exact match with “contains”-style match

get_symbol_by_insertion_order(idx: int) cle.backends.macho.symbol.AbstractMachOSymbol

idx – idx when this symbol was inserted



Searches for a MachOSegment with the given name and returns it :param name: Name of the sought segment :return: MachOSegment or None

loader: Loader
class cle.backends.macho.macho.MachOSection(offset, vaddr, size, vsize, segname, sectname, align, reloff, nreloc, flags, r1, r2)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Region

Mach-O Section, only defined within the context of a Mach-O Segment.

  • offset is the offset into the file the region starts

  • vaddr (or just addr) is the virtual address

  • filesize (or just size) is the size of the region in the file

  • memsize (or vsize) is the size of the region when loaded into memory

  • segname is the corresponding segment’s name without padding

  • sectname is the section’s name without padding

  • align is the sections alignment as a power of 2

  • reloff is the file offset to the section’s relocation entries

  • nreloc is the number of relocation entries for this section

  • flags is a bit vector containing per-section flags

  • r1 and r2 are values for the reserved1 and reserved2 fields respectively

property type
property attributes
vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.macho.macho.MachOSegment(offset, vaddr, size, vsize, segname, nsect, sections, flags, initprot, maxprot)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Region

Mach-O Segment

  • offset is the offset into the file the region starts

  • vaddr (or just addr) is the virtual address

  • filesize (or just size) is the size of the region in the file

  • memsize (or vsize) is the size of the region when loaded into memory

  • segname is the segment’s name without padding

  • nsect is the number of sections contained in this segment

  • sections is an array of MachOSections

  • flags is a bit vector containing per-segment flags

  • initprot and maxprot are initial and maximum permissions respectively


Searches for a section by name within this segment :param name: Name of the section :return: MachOSection or None

property is_readable
property is_writable
property is_executable
vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.macho.symbol.AbstractMachOSymbol(owner, name, relative_addr, size, sym_type)

Bases: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol

Base class for Mach-O symbols. Defines the minimum common properties all types of mach-o symbols must have

property library_ordinal
property is_stab
class cle.backends.macho.symbol.SymbolTableSymbol(owner, symtab_offset, n_strx, n_type, n_sect, n_desc, n_value)

Bases: cle.backends.macho.symbol.AbstractMachOSymbol

“Regular” symbol. Made to be (somewhat) compatible with backends.Symbol. A SymbolTableSymbol is an entry in the binary’s symbol table.

Note that ELF-specific fields from backends.Symbol are not used and semantics of the remaining fields differ in many cases. As a result most stock functionality from Angr and related libraries WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY on MachOSymbol.

Much of the code below is based on heuristics as official documentation is sparse, consider yourself warned!

property library_name
property segment_name
property section_name
property value
property referenced_symbol_index

For indirect symbols n_value contains an index into the string table indicating the referenced symbol’s name

property rebased_addr
property is_stab
property is_private_external
property is_external
property sym_type
property is_common
property common_align
property reference_type
property library_ordinal
property is_no_dead_strip
property is_desc_discarded
property is_weak_referenced
property is_weak_defined
property is_reference_to_weak
property is_thumb_definition
property is_symbol_resolver
property is_alt_entry
class cle.backends.macho.symbol.BindingSymbol(owner, name, lib_ordinal)

Bases: cle.backends.macho.symbol.AbstractMachOSymbol

“Binding” symbol. Made to be (somewhat) compatible with backends.Symbol. A BindingSymbol is an imported symbol discovered during the binding process.

Note that ELF-specific fields from backends.Symbol are not used and semantics of the remaining fields differ in many cases. As a result most stock functionality from Angr and related libraries WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY on MachOSymbol.

Much of the code below is based on heuristics as official documentation is sparse, consider yourself warned!

property library_name
property rebased_addr
property library_ordinal
class cle.backends.macho.section.MachOSection(offset, vaddr, size, vsize, segname, sectname, align, reloff, nreloc, flags, r1, r2)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Region

Mach-O Section, only defined within the context of a Mach-O Segment.

  • offset is the offset into the file the region starts

  • vaddr (or just addr) is the virtual address

  • filesize (or just size) is the size of the region in the file

  • memsize (or vsize) is the size of the region when loaded into memory

  • segname is the corresponding segment’s name without padding

  • sectname is the section’s name without padding

  • align is the sections alignment as a power of 2

  • reloff is the file offset to the section’s relocation entries

  • nreloc is the number of relocation entries for this section

  • flags is a bit vector containing per-section flags

  • r1 and r2 are values for the reserved1 and reserved2 fields respectively

property type
property attributes
vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.macho.segment.MachOSegment(offset, vaddr, size, vsize, segname, nsect, sections, flags, initprot, maxprot)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Region

Mach-O Segment

  • offset is the offset into the file the region starts

  • vaddr (or just addr) is the virtual address

  • filesize (or just size) is the size of the region in the file

  • memsize (or vsize) is the size of the region when loaded into memory

  • segname is the segment’s name without padding

  • nsect is the number of sections contained in this segment

  • sections is an array of MachOSections

  • flags is a bit vector containing per-segment flags

  • initprot and maxprot are initial and maximum permissions respectively


Searches for a section by name within this segment :param name: Name of the section :return: MachOSection or None

property is_readable
property is_writable
property is_executable
vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
cle.backends.macho.binding.read_uleb(blob: bytes, offset: int) Tuple[int, int]

Reads a number encoded as uleb128

cle.backends.macho.binding.read_sleb(blob, offset)

Reads a number encoded as sleb128

class cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState(is_64)

Bases: object

State object

add_address_ov(address, addend)

this is a very ugly klugde. It is needed because dyld relies on overflow semantics and represents several negative offsets through BIG ulebs

class cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingHelper(binary)

Bases: object

Factors out binding logic from MachO. Intended to work in close conjunction with MachO not for standalone use

binary: MachO
do_normal_bind(blob: bytes)

Performs non-lazy, non-weak bindings :param blob: Blob containing binding opcodes


Performs lazy binding

cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_done(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, _i: int, _blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_set_dylib_ordinal_imm(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, i: int, _blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_set_dylib_ordinal_uleb(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, _i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_set_dylib_special_imm(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, i: int, _blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_set_trailing_flags_imm(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_set_type_imm(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, i: int, _blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_set_addend_sleb(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, _i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_set_segment_and_offset_uleb(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, b: MachO, i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.l_opcode_set_segment_and_offset_uleb(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, b: MachO, i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_add_addr_uleb(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, _b: MachO, _i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_do_bind(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, b: MachO, _i: int, _blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.l_opcode_do_bind(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, b: MachO, _i: int, _blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_do_bind_add_addr_uleb(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, b: MachO, _i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_do_bind_add_addr_imm_scaled(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, b: MachO, i: int, _blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
cle.backends.macho.binding.n_opcode_do_bind_uleb_times_skipping_uleb(s: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, b: MachO, _i: int, blob: bytes) cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState
class cle.backends.macho.binding.MachORelocation(owner: cle.backends.Backend, symbol: cle.backends.macho.symbol.AbstractMachOSymbol, relative_addr: int, data)

Bases: cle.backends.relocation.Relocation

resolve_symbol(solist, thumb=False, extern_object=None, **kwargs)
property dest_addr

mach-o rebasing is hard to handle, so this behaviour differs from other relocations

property value
cle.backends.macho.binding.default_binding_handler(state: cle.backends.macho.binding.BindingState, binary: MachO)

Binds location to the symbol with the given name and library ordinal

exception cle.backends.minidump.MinidumpMissingStreamError(stream, message=None)

Bases: Exception

class cle.backends.minidump.Minidump(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
property threads
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.cgc.cgc.CGC(binary, binary_stream, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.elf.ELF

Backend to support the CGC elf format used by the Cyber Grand Challenge competition.

See :

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
supported_filetypes = ['cgc']
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
variables: Optional[List[Variable]]
compilation_units: Optional[List[CompilationUnit]]
class cle.backends.cgc.backedcgc.FakeSegment(start, size)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Segment

vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.cgc.backedcgc.BackedCGC(*args, memory_backer=None, register_backer=None, writes_backer=None, permissions_map=None, current_allocation_base=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.cgc.cgc.CGC

This is a backend for CGC executables that allows user provide a memory backer and a register backer as the initial state of the running binary.

  • path – File path to CGC executable.

  • memory_backer – A dict of memory content, with beginning address of each segment as key and actual memory content as data.

  • register_backer – A dict of all register contents. EIP will be used as the entry point of this executable.

  • permissions_map – A dict of memory region to permission flags

  • current_allocation_base – An integer representing the current address of the top of the CGC heap.

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
property threads
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
variables: Optional[List[Variable]]
compilation_units: Optional[List[CompilationUnit]]
class cle.backends.blob.Blob(*args, offset=None, segments=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

Representation of a binary blob, i.e. an executable in an unknown file format.

  • arch – (required) an archinfo.Arch for the binary blob.

  • offset – Skip this many bytes from the beginning of the file.

  • segments – List of tuples describing how to map data into memory. Tuples are of (file_offset, mem_addr, size).

You can’t specify both offset and segments.

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
property min_addr
property max_addr

Blobs don’t support function names.


Blobs don’t support segments.

classmethod check_compatibility(spec, obj)
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.ihex.Hex(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

A loader for Intel Hex Objects See

is_default = True
static parse_record(line)
static coalesce_regions(regions)
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
static is_compatible(stream)
class cle.backends.binja.BinjaSymbol(owner, sym)

Bases: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol

class cle.backends.binja.BinjaReloc(owner: cle.backends.Backend, symbol: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol, relative_addr: int)

Bases: cle.backends.relocation.Relocation

property value
class cle.backends.binja.BinjaBin(binary, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

Get information from binaries using Binary Ninja. Basing this on, but will try to be more complete. TODO: add more features as Binary Ninja’s feature set improves

is_default = True
BINJA_ARCH_MAP = {'aarch64': <Arch AARCH64 (LE)>, 'armv7': <Arch ARMEL (LE)>, 'armv7eb': <Arch ARMEL (BE)>, 'mips32': <Arch MIPS32 (BE)>, 'mipsel32': <Arch MIPS32 (LE)>, 'ppc': <Arch PPC32 (BE)>, 'ppc_le': <Arch PPC32 (LE)>, 'thumb2': <Arch ARMEL (LE)>, 'thumb2eb': <Arch ARMEL (BE)>, 'x86': <Arch X86 (LE)>, 'x86_64': <Arch AMD64 (LE)>}
static is_compatible(stream)

Return the segment name at address addr.


Get the address of the symbol sym from IDA.


An address.


Return the function name at address addr.

property min_addr

this is probably not “right”)


Get the min address of the binary. (note

property max_addr

Get the max address of the binary.

property entry

Extract strings from binary (Binary Ninja).


An array of strings.

set_got_entry(name, newaddr)

Resolve import name with address newaddr. That is, update the GOT entry for name with newaddr.


Release the BinaryView we created in __init__ :return: None

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.externs.ExternSegment(map_size)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Segment

is_readable = True
is_writable = True
is_executable = True
vaddr: int
memsize: int
filesize: int
class cle.backends.externs.TOCRelocation(owner: cle.backends.Backend, symbol: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol, relative_addr: int)

Bases: cle.backends.relocation.Relocation

property value
class cle.backends.externs.ExternObject(loader, map_size=0, tls_size=0)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

make_extern(name, size=0, alignment=None, thumb=False, sym_type=SymbolType.TYPE_FUNCTION, point_to=None, libname=None) cle.backends.symbol.Symbol
get_pseudo_addr(name) int
allocate(size=1, alignment=8, thumb=False, tls=False) int
property max_addr
make_import(name, sym_type)
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.externs.KernelObject(loader, map_size=32768)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

add_name(name, addr)
property max_addr
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.externs.PointToPrecise(owner, name, relative_addr, size, sym_type)

Bases: cle.backends.externs.simdata.common.PointTo

Not documenting this since if you try calling it, you’re wrong.

pointto_precise = None
class cle.backends.externs.simdata.SimData(owner, name, relative_addr, size, sym_type)

Bases: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol

A SimData class is used to provide data when there is an unresolved data import symbol.

To use it, subclass this class and implement the below attributes and methods.

  • name – The name of the symbol to provide

  • libname – The name of the library from which the symbol originally comes (currently unused).

  • type – The type of the symbol, usually SymbolType.TYPE_OBJECT.

Use the below register method to register SimData subclasses with CLE.

NOTE: SimData.type hides the Symbol.type instance property

Not documenting this since if you try calling it, you’re wrong.

name = NotImplemented
type = NotImplemented
libname = NotImplemented
classmethod static_size(owner) int

Implement me: return the size of the symbol in bytes before it gets constructed


owner – The ExternObject owning the symbol-to-be. Useful to get at owner.arch.

value() bytes

Implement me: the initial value of the bytes in memory for the symbol. Should return a bytestring of the same length as static_size returned. (owner is self.owner now)

relocations() List[cle.backends.relocation.Relocation]

Maybe implement me: If you like, return a list of relocation objects to apply. To create new import symbols, use self.owner.make_extern_import.


Register the given SimData class with CLE so it may be used during loading

cle.backends.externs.simdata.lookup(name, libname)
class cle.backends.externs.simdata.common.StaticData(owner, name, relative_addr, size, sym_type)

Bases: cle.backends.externs.simdata.SimData

A simple SimData utility class to use when you have a SimData which should provide just a static set of bytes. To use, implement the following:

  • name – The name of the symbol to provide.

  • libname – The name of the library from which the symbol originally comes (currently unused).

  • data – The bytes to provide

Not documenting this since if you try calling it, you’re wrong.

type = 3
data = NotImplemented
classmethod static_size(owner)
class cle.backends.externs.simdata.common.StaticWord(owner, name, relative_addr, size, sym_type)

Bases: cle.backends.externs.simdata.SimData

A simple SimData utility class to use when you have a SimData which should provide just a static integer. To use, implement the following:

  • name – The name of the symbol to provide.

  • libname – The name of the library from which the symbol originally comes (currently unused).

  • word – The value to provide

  • wordsize – (optional) The size of the value in bytes, default the CPU wordsize

Not documenting this since if you try calling it, you’re wrong.

type = 3
word = NotImplemented
wordsize = None
classmethod static_size(owner)
class cle.backends.externs.simdata.common.PointTo(owner, name, relative_addr, size, sym_type)

Bases: cle.backends.externs.simdata.SimData

A simple SimData utility class to use when you have a SimData which should provide just a pointer to some other symbol. To use, implement the following:

  • name – The name of the symbol to provide.

  • libname – The name of the library from which the symbol originally comes (currently unused).

  • pointto_name – The name of the symbol to point to

  • pointto_type – The type of the symbol to point to (usually SymbolType.TYPE_FUNCTION or SymbolType.TYPE_OBJECT)

  • addend – (optional) an integer to be added to the symbol’s address before storage

Not documenting this since if you try calling it, you’re wrong.

pointto_name = NotImplemented
pointto_type = NotImplemented
type = 3
addend = 0
classmethod static_size(owner)
class cle.backends.externs.simdata.common.SimDataSimpleRelocation(owner, symbol, addr, addend, preresolved=False)

Bases: cle.backends.relocation.Relocation

A relocation used to implement PointTo. Pretty simple.

resolve_symbol(solist, **kwargs)
property value
class, binary_stream, entry_point=None, entry_point_params=(), android_sdk=None, supported_jni_archs=None, jni_libs=None, jni_libs_ld_path=None, **options)


Backend for lifting Apk’s to Soot.

  • apk_path – Path to APK.

  • android_sdk – Path to Android SDK folder (e.g. “/home/angr/android/platforms”)

The following parameters are optional

  • entry_point – Fully qualified name of method that should be used as the entry point.

  • supported_jni_archs – List of supported JNI architectures (ABIs) in descending order of preference.

  • jni_libs – Name(s) of JNI libs to load (if any). If not specified, we try to extract JNI libs from the APK.

  • jni_libs_ld_path – Path(s) where to find libs defined by param jni_libs. Note: Directory of the APK is added by default.

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class, binary_stream, entry_point=None, entry_point_params=('java.lang.String[]',), jni_libs=None, jni_libs_ld_path=None, **kwargs)


Backend for lifting JARs to Soot.


jar_path – Path to JAR.

The following parameters are optional

  • entry_point – Fully qualified name of method that should be used as the entry point. If not specified, we try to parse it from the manifest.

  • additional_jars – Additional JARs.

  • additional_jar_roots – Additional JAR roots.

  • jni_libs – Name(s) of JNI libs to load (if any).

  • jni_libs_ld_path – Path(s) where to find libs defined by param jni_libs. Note: Directory of the JAR is added by default.

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)

Load the MANIFEST.MF file


A dict of meta info

Return type


loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class*args, entry_point=None, entry_point_params=(), input_format=None, additional_jars=None, additional_jar_roots=None, jni_libs_ld_path=None, jni_libs=None, android_sdk=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

The basis backend for lifting and loading bytecode from JARs and APKs to Soot IR.

Note that self.min_addr will be 0 and self.max_addr will be 1. Hopefully no other object will be mapped at address 0.

property max_addr
property entry
property classes
get_soot_class(cls_name, none_if_missing=False)

Get Soot class object.


cls_name (str) – Name of the class.


The class object.

Return type


get_soot_method(thing, class_name=None, params=(), none_if_missing=False)

Get Soot method object.

  • thing – Descriptor or the method, or name of the method.

  • class_name (str) – Name of the class. If not specified, class name can be parsed from method_name.


Soot method that satisfy the criteria.

property main_methods

Find all Main methods in this binary.


All main methods in each class.

Return type


static is_zip_archive(stream)
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.xbe.XBESection(name, file_offset, file_size, virtual_addr, virtual_size, xbe_sec)

Bases: cle.backends.region.Section

filesize: int
property is_readable

Whether this section has read permissions

property is_writable

Whether this section has write permissions

property is_executable

Whether this section has execute permissions

property only_contains_uninitialized_data

We load every section in, they’re all initialized

vaddr: int
memsize: int
class cle.backends.xbe.XBE(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

The main loader class for statically loading XBE executables.

is_default = True
static is_compatible(stream)
property min_addr
property max_addr
classmethod check_compatibility(spec, obj)
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.static_archive.StaticArchive(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

classmethod is_compatible(stream)
is_default = True
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]


CLE’s loader implements program relocation data on a plugin basis. If you would like to add more relocation implementations, do so by subclassing the Relocation class and overriding any relevant methods or properties. Put your subclasses in a module in the relocations subpackage of the appropraite backend package. The name of the subclass will be used to determine when to use it! Look at the existing versions for details.

class cle.backends.relocation.Relocation(owner: cle.backends.Backend, symbol: cle.backends.symbol.Symbol, relative_addr: int)

Bases: object

A representation of a relocation in a binary file. Smart enough to relocate itself.

  • owner – The binary this relocation was originaly found in, as a cle object

  • symbol – The Symbol object this relocation refers to

  • relative_addr – The address in owner this relocation would like to write to

  • resolvedby – If the symbol this relocation refers to is an import symbol and that import has been resolved, this attribute holds the symbol from a different binary that was used to resolve the import.

  • resolved – Whether the application of this relocation was successful

resolve_symbol(solist: List[Any], thumb=False, extern_object=None, **kwargs)
resolve(obj, **kwargs)
property rebased_addr

The address in the global memory space this relocation would like to write to

property linked_addr
property dest_addr
property value

Applies this relocation. Will make changes to the memory object of the object it came from.

This implementation is a generic version that can be overridden in subclasses.

property owner_obj
cle.backends.elf.relocation.get_relocation(arch, r_type)
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.relocation.Relocation

property addend
property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips64.R_MIPS_64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips64.R_MIPS_REL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips64.R_MIPS_COPY(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips64.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips64.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips64.R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

property value
resolve_symbol(solist, **kwargs)
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDescriptorReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

RESOLVER_ADDR = NotImplemented
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericIRelativeReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

resolve_symbol(solist, **kwargs)
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.MipsGlobalReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.MipsLocalReloc(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

resolve_symbol(solist, **kwargs)
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin

Bases: object

A mix-in class for relocations that cover a 32-bit field regardless of the architecture’s address word length.

check_zero_extend = False
check_sign_extend = False
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocGOTMixin

Bases: object

A mix-in class which will cause the symbol to be resolved to a pointer to the symbol instead of the symbol

resolve(symbol, extern_object=None, **kwargs)
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR24(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x2 Calculation: (S + A) >> 2 Field: low24*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR16(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x3 Calculation: S+A Field: half16*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR16_LO(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x4 Calculation: #lo(S + A) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR16_HI(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x5 Calculation: #hi(S + A) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR16_HA(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x6 Calculation: #ha(S + A) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR14(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x7 Calculation: (S + A) >> 2 Field: low14*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x8 Calculation: (S + A) >> 2 Field: low14*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x9 Calculation: (S + A) >> 2 Field: low14*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_REL24(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0xa Calculation: (S + A - P) >> 2 Field: low24* R_PPC_REL24 is a special type of relocation. The instruction must be modified for this type. This relocation type resolves branch-and-link instructions. Prior to relocation, all instances of the branch-and-link instruction will consist of the following bytecode: 48 00 00 01. The problem with this is that all instances will result in calls to the current address - thus an infinite loop. After calculating the relocation result in R_PPC_REL24, you will have an address offset to the call. The result must be resolved to the correct instruction encoding.

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_REL14(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0xb Calculation: (S + A - P) >> 2 Field: low14*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0xc Calculation: (S + A - P) >> 2 Field: low14*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0xd Calculation: (S + A - P) >> 2 Field: low14*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_COPY(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_JMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_RELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_UADDR32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x18 Calculation: S + A Field: word32

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_UADDR16(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x19 Calculation: S + A Field: half16*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_REL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x1a Calculation: S + A - P Field: word32

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_SECTOFF(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x21 Calculation: R + A Field: half16*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x22 Calculation: #lo(R + A) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x23 Calculation: #hi(R + A) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x24 Calculation: #ha(R + A) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_ADDR30(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 0x25 Calculation: (S + A - P) >> 2 Field: word30

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_DTPMOD32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_DTPREL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.ppc.R_PPC_TPREL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_JMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_RELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_IRELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericIRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_ADDR64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_DTPMOD64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_DTPREL64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_TPREL64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_REL24(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 10 Calculation: (S + A - P) >> 2 Field: low24*

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_TOC16_LO(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 48 Calculation: #lo(S + A - .TOC.) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_TOC16_HI(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 49 Calculation: #hi(S + A - .TOC.) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_TOC16_HA(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 50 Calculation: #ha(S + A - .TOC.) Field: half16

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.pcc64.R_PPC64_TOC(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 51 Calculation: .TOC. Field: doubleword64

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_PC32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_COPY(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_JMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_RELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_IRELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericIRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_TLS_TPOFF(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.i386.R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_COPY(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_RELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_IRELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericIRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_DTPMOD64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_DTPOFF64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_TPOFF64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_PC32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc

check_sign_extend = True
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

check_zero_extend = True
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_32S(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

check_sign_extend = True
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_PLT32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc

check_sign_extend = True
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_GOTPCREL(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocGOTMixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc

check_sign_extend = True
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocGOTMixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc

check_sign_extend = True
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.amd64.R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocGOTMixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.RelocTruncate32Mixin, cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc

check_sign_extend = True
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_REL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_HI16(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.mips.R_MIPS_LO16(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_CALL(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocate R_ARM_CALL symbols via instruction modification. It additionally handles R_ARM_PC24 and R_ARM_JUMP24. The former is deprecated and is now just the same as R_ARM_CALL.

R_ARM_JUMP24 doesn’t need the Thumb check. Technically, if the Thumb check succeeds on R_ARM_JUMP24, it’s a bad call that shouldn’t have been generated by the linker, so we may as well as just treat it like R_ARM_CALL.

  • Class: Static

  • Type: ARM (R_ARM_CALL, R_ARM_JUMP24); Deprecated (R_ARM_PC24)

  • Code: 1 (R_ARM_PC24), 28 (R_ARM_CALL), 29 (R_ARM_JUMP24)

  • Operation: ((S + A) | T) - P - S is the address of the symbol - A is the addend - P is the target location (place being relocated) - T is 1 if the symbol is of type STT_FUNC and addresses a Thumb instruction

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_PREL31(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocate R_ARM_PREL31 symbols via instruction modification. The difference between this and R_ARM_CALL/R_ARM_PC24/R_ARM_JUMP24 is that it’s a data relocation

  • Class: Static

  • Type: Data

  • Code: 42

  • Operation: ((S + A) | T) - P - S is the address of the symbol - A is the addend - P is the target location (place being relocated) - T is 1 if the symbol is of type STT_FUNC and addresses a Thumb instruction

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_REL32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocate R_ARM_REL32 symbols. This is essentially the same as generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc with the addition of a check for whether or not the target is Thumb.

  • Class: Static

  • Type: Data

  • Code: 3

  • Operation: ((S + A) | T) - P - S is the address of the symbol - A is the addend - P is the target location (place being relocated) - T is 1 if the symbol is of type STT_FUNC and addresses a Thumb instruction

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_ABS32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocate R_ARM_ABS32 symbols. This is essentially the same as generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc with the addition of a check for whether or not the target is Thumb.

  • Class: Static

  • Type: Data

  • Code: 3

  • Operation: (S + A) | T - S is the address of the symbol - A is the addend - T is 1 if the symbol is of type STT_FUNC and addresses a Thumb instruction

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocate R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC symbols.

  • Class: Static

  • Type: Instruction

  • Code: 43

  • Operation: (S + A) | T - S is the address of the symbol - A is the addend - T is 1 if the symbol is of type STT_FUNC and addresses a Thumb instruction

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_MOVT_ABS(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocate R_ARM_MOVT_ABS symbols.

  • Class: Static

  • Type: Instruction

  • Code: 44

  • Operation: S + A - S is the address of the symbol - A is the addend

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_THM_CALL(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocate R_ARM_THM_CALL symbols via instruction modification.

  • Class: Static

  • Type: ARM (R_ARM_THM_CALL)

  • Code: 10

  • Operation: ((S + A) | T) - P - S is the address of the symbol - A is the addend - P is the target location (place being relocated) - T is 1 if the symbol is of type STT_FUNC and addresses a Thumb instruction (This bit is entirely irrelevant because the 1-bit of the address gets shifted off in the encoding)

  • Encoding: See - Page 71 (3-31) has the chart - It appears that it mistakenly references the I1 and I2 bits as J1 and J2 in the chart (see the notes at the bottom of the page – the ranges don’t make sense) - However, the J1/J2 bits are XORed with !S bit in this case (see vex implementation: ) - Implementation appears correct with the bits placed into offset[23:22]

resolve_symbol(solist, **kwargs)
property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_COPY(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_RELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_ABS32_NOI(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_REL32_NOI(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericPCRelativeAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_TLS_DTPMOD32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_TLS_TPOFF32(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_JUMP24(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_CALL

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_PC24(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_CALL

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_THM_JUMP24(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_THM_CALL

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_THM_JUMP19(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_THM_CALL

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_THM_JUMP6(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm.R_ARM_THM_CALL

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_ABS64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_COPY(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_JUMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_RELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_IRELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericIRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPREL(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDoffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPMOD(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSModIdReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_TLS_TPREL(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSDescriptorReloc

RESOLVER_ADDR = 18446744073709551104
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_CALL26(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 283 Calculation: (S + A - P)

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 275 Calculation: Page(S + A) - Page(P)

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64.R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.elfreloc.ELFReloc

Relocation Type: 275 Calculation: (S + A)

property value
class cle.backends.elf.relocation.s390x.R_390_GLOB_DAT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.s390x.R_390_JMP_SLOT(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericJumpslotReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.s390x.R_390_RELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.s390x.R_390_64(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericAbsoluteAddendReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.s390x.R_390_TLS_TPOFF(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericTLSOffsetReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.s390x.R_390_IRELATIVE(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericIRelativeReloc

class cle.backends.elf.relocation.s390x.R_390_COPY(owner, symbol, relative_addr, addend=None)

Bases: cle.backends.elf.relocation.generic.GenericCopyReloc, r_type)
class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)

Bases: cle.backends.relocation.Relocation

resolve_symbol(solist, bypass_compatibility=False, extern_object=None, **kwargs)
property value
property is_base_reloc

These relocations are ignored by the linker if the executable is loaded at its preferred base address. There is no associated symbol with base relocations.

property is_import
class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


There’s nothing special to be done for DLL imports but this class provides a unique name to the relocation type.

class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, addr, next_rva)


property value

In all the other cases, we can ignore the relocation difference part of the calculation because we simply use to_mva() to get our rebased address. In this case, however, we have to adjust the un-rebased address first.

class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


property value
class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


property value
class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


property value
class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


property value
class, addr, next_rva)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, addr, next_rva)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, addr, next_rva)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, addr, next_rva)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, addr, next_rva)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


class, symbol, addr, resolvewith=None)


Thread-local storage

class cle.backends.tls.ThreadManager(loader, arch, max_modules=256)

Bases: object

This class tracks what data is thread-local and can generate thread initialization images

Most of the heavy lifting will be handled in a subclass

static initialization_image(obj) Optional[bytes]
class cle.backends.tls.InternalTLSRelocation(val, offset, owner)

Bases: cle.backends.relocation.Relocation

property value
class cle.backends.tls.TLSObject(loader, arch)

Bases: cle.backends.Backend

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]

This module is used when parsing the Thread Local Storage of an ELF binary. It heavily uses the TLSArchInfo namedtuple from archinfo.

ELF TLS is implemented based on the following documents:

cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.roundup(val, to=16)
class cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFThreadManager(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cle.backends.tls.ThreadManager

class cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFTLSObject(thread_manager: cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFThreadManager)

Bases: cle.backends.tls.TLSObject

property thread_pointer

The thread pointer. This is a technical term that refers to a specific location in the TLS segment.

property user_thread_pointer

The thread pointer that is exported to the user

property max_addr
get_addr(module_id, offset)

basically __tls_get_addr.

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFTLSObjectV1(thread_manager: cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFThreadManager)

Bases: cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFTLSObject

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
tcb_offset: int
dtv_offset: int
tp_offset: int
head_offset: int
class cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFTLSObjectV2(thread_manager: cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFThreadManager)

Bases: cle.backends.tls.elf_tls.ELFTLSObject

loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
tcb_offset: int
dtv_offset: int
tp_offset: int
head_offset: int
class cle.backends.tls.pe_tls.PEThreadManager(loader, arch, max_modules=256)

Bases: cle.backends.tls.ThreadManager

class cle.backends.tls.pe_tls.PETLSObject(thread_manager: cle.backends.tls.pe_tls.PEThreadManager)

Bases: cle.backends.tls.TLSObject

This class is used when parsing the Thread Local Storage of a PE binary. It represents both the TLS array and the TLS data area for a specific thread.

In memory the PETLSObj is laid out as follows:

| TLS array            | TLS data area                         |

A more detailed description of the TLS array and TLS data areas is given below.

TLS array

The TLS array is an array of addresses that points into the TLS data area. In memory it is laid out as follows:

|  address  |  address  | ... |  address  |
| index = 0 | index = 1 |     | index = n |

The size of each address is architecture independent (e.g. on X86 it is 4 bytes). The number of addresses in the TLS array is equal to the number of modules that contain TLS data. At load time (i.e. in the finalize method), each module is assigned an index into the TLS array. The address of this module’s TLS data area is then stored at this location in the array.

TLS data area

The TLS data area directly follows the TLS array and contains the actual TLS data for each module. In memory it is laid out as follows:

| TLS data | zero fill | TLS data | zero fill | ... |
|       module a       |       module b       | ... |

The size of each module’s TLS data area is variable and can be found in the module’s tls_data_size property. The same applies to the zero fill. At load time (i.e in the finalize method), the initial TLS data values are copied into the TLS data area. Because a TLS index is also assigned to each module, we can access a module’s TLS data area using this index into the TLS array to get the start address of the TLS data.


Get the start address of a module’s TLS data area via the module’s TLS index.

From the PE/COFF spec:

The code uses the TLS index and the TLS array location (multiplying the index by the word size and using it as an offset into the array) to get the address of the TLS data area for the given program and module.

property max_addr
property thread_pointer
property user_thread_pointer
loader: Loader
symbols: sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList[Symbol]
class cle.backends.tls.elfcore_tls.ELFCoreThreadManager(loader, arch, **kwargs)

Bases: object

class cle.backends.tls.elfcore_tls.ELFCoreThread(loader, arch: archinfo.arch.Arch, threadinfo)

Bases: object

property dtv
get_addr(module_id, offset)

basically __tls_get_addr.

class cle.backends.tls.minidump_tls.MinidumpThreadManager(loader, arch, **kwargs)

Bases: object

class cle.backends.tls.minidump_tls.MinidumpThread(loader, arch: archinfo.arch.Arch, registers)

Bases: object


Misc. Utilities


Convert a dump from gdb’s info sharedlibrary command to a set of options that can be passed to CLE to replicate the address space from the gdb session


fname – The name of a file containing the dump


A dict appropriate to be passed as **kwargs for angr.Project or cle.Loader


Convert a dump from gdb’s info proc maps command to a set of options that can be passed to CLE to replicate the address space from the gdb session


fname – The name of a file containing the dump


A dict appropriate to be passed as **kwargs for angr.Project or cle.Loader

class cle.memory.ClemoryBase(arch)

Bases: object

load(addr, n)
store(addr, data)
find(data, search_min=None, search_max=None)
unpack(addr, fmt)

Use the struct module to unpack the data at address addr with the format fmt.

unpack_word(addr, size=None, signed=False, endness=None)

Use the struct module to unpack a single integer from the address addr.

You may override any of the attributes of the word being extracted:

  • size (int) – The size in bytes to pack/unpack. Defaults to wordsize (e.g. 4 bytes on a 32 bit architecture)

  • signed (bool) – Whether the data should be extracted signed/unsigned. Default unsigned

  • endness (archinfo.Endness) – The endian to use in packing/unpacking. Defaults to memory endness

pack(addr, fmt, *data)

Use the struct module to pack data into memory at address addr with the format fmt.

pack_word(addr, data, size=None, signed=False, endness=None)

Use the struct module to pack a single integer data into memory at the address addr.

You may override any of the attributes of the word being packed:

  • size (int) – The size in bytes to pack/unpack. Defaults to wordsize (e.g. 4 bytes on a 32 bit architecture)

  • signed (bool) – Whether the data should be extracted signed/unsigned. Default unsigned

  • endness (archinfo.Endness) – The endian to use in packing/unpacking. Defaults to memory endness


The stream-like function that reads up to a number of bytes starting from the current position and updates the current position. Use with seek().

Up to nbytes bytes will be read, halting at the beginning of the first unmapped region encountered.


The stream-like function that sets the “file’s” current position. Use with read().


value – The position to seek to.

class cle.memory.Clemory(arch, root=False)

Bases: cle.memory.ClemoryBase

An object representing a memory space.

Accesses can be made with [index] notation.

add_backer(start, data)

Adds a backer to the memory.

  • start – The address where the backer should be loaded.

  • data – The backer itself. Can be either a bytestring or another Clemory.

update_backer(start, data)

Iterate through each backer for this clemory and all its children, yielding tuples of (start_addr, backer) where each backer is a bytearray.


addr – An optional starting address - all backers before and not including this address will be skipped.

load(addr, n)

Read up to n bytes at address addr in memory and return a bytes object.

Reading will stop at the beginning of the first unallocated region found, or when n bytes have been read.

store(addr, data)

Write bytes from data at address addr.

Note: If the store runs off the end of a backer and into unbacked space, this function will update the backer but also raise KeyError.

find(data, search_min=None, search_max=None)

Find all occurances of a bytestring in memory.

  • data (bytes) – The bytestring to search for

  • search_min (int) – Optional: The first address to include as valid

  • search_max (int) – Optional: The last address to include as valid

Return Iterator[int]

Iterates over addresses at which the bytestring occurs

class cle.memory.ClemoryView(backer, start, end, offset=0)

Bases: cle.memory.ClemoryBase

A Clemory which presents a subset of another Clemory as an address space

  • backer – The parent clemory to use

  • start – The address in the parent to start at

  • end – The address in the parent to end at (exclusive)

  • offset – Where the address space should start in this Clemory. Default 0.

load(addr, n)
store(addr, data)
find(data, search_min=None, search_max=None)
class cle.patched_stream.PatchedStream(stream, patches)

Bases: object

An object that wraps a readable stream, performing passthroughs on seek and read operations, except to make it seem like the data has actually been patched by the given patches.

  • stream – The stream to patch

  • patches – A list of tuples of (addr, patch data)

read(*args, **kwargs)
seek(*args, **kwargs)
class cle.address_translator.AddressTranslator(rva, owner)

Bases: object

  • rva (int) – virtual address relative to owner’s object image base

  • owner (cle.Backend) – The object owner address relates to

classmethod from_lva(lva, owner)

Loads address translator with LVA

classmethod from_mva(mva, owner)

Loads address translator with MVA

classmethod from_rva(rva, owner)

Loads address translator with RVA

classmethod from_raw(raw, owner)

Loads address translator with RAW address

classmethod from_linked_va(lva, owner)

Loads address translator with LVA

classmethod from_va(mva, owner)

Loads address translator with MVA

classmethod from_mapped_va(mva, owner)

Loads address translator with MVA

classmethod from_relative_va(rva, owner)

Loads address translator with RVA


VA -> LVA :rtype: int


RVA -> MVA :rtype: int


RVA -> RVA :rtype: int


RVA -> RAW :rtype: int


VA -> LVA :rtype: int


RVA -> MVA :rtype: int


RVA -> MVA :rtype: int


RVA -> RVA :rtype: int


alias of cle.address_translator.AddressTranslator

cle.utils.ALIGN_DOWN(base, size)
cle.utils.ALIGN_UP(base, size)
cle.utils.get_mmaped_data(stream, offset, length, page_size)
cle.utils.stream_or_path(obj, perms='rb')
cle.utils.key_bisect_floor_key(lst, key, lo=0, hi=None, keyfunc=<function <lambda>>)
cle.utils.key_bisect_find(lst, item, lo=0, hi=None, keyfunc=<function <lambda>>)
cle.utils.key_bisect_insort_left(lst, item, lo=0, hi=None, keyfunc=<function <lambda>>)
cle.utils.key_bisect_insort_right(lst, item, lo=0, hi=None, keyfunc=<function <lambda>>)


exception cle.errors.CLEError

Bases: Exception

Base class for errors raised by CLE.

exception cle.errors.CLEUnknownFormatError

Bases: cle.errors.CLEError

Error raised when CLE encounters an unknown executable file format.

exception cle.errors.CLEFileNotFoundError

Bases: cle.errors.CLEError

Error raised when a file does not exist.

exception cle.errors.CLEInvalidBinaryError

Bases: cle.errors.CLEError

Error raised when an executable file is invalid or corrupted.

exception cle.errors.CLEOperationError

Bases: cle.errors.CLEError

Error raised when a problem is encountered in the process of loading an executable.

exception cle.errors.CLECompatibilityError

Bases: cle.errors.CLEError

Error raised when loading an executable that is not currently supported by CLE.