Welcome to the Throwing a Tantrum tutorial!
In this n+1-part series, we will be exploring how you can extend angr with new features without editing angr itself.
We’ll be covering a range of topics from gymrat
to Analyses, and including a plethora of examples and explanations along the way.
If you’re interested in learning how to port angr to a new architecture, write a custom engine or analysis, or even (gasp)
use angr to analyze BrainFuck programs, then read on.
- Part 1: Angr Internals
- Part 2: Architectures
- Part 3: Loaders
- Part 4: VEX and Gymrat
- Part 5: Engines
- Part 6: SimOS
- Part 7: Analyses
For any questions or feedback, please reach out to us on our slack (get an invite here).